Yeah that's right but depends. If the guy is comfortable and as long as he doesn't have some massive beer gut a lot of guys are ok.
But on the other hand if you're with a chick you always feel self conscious taking your shirt off if you don't have a 6 pack
Sorta tanned/not to pale
Nice smile
Big brown eyes
Easy to be around
Likes to have fun
Not stuck up
Intelligent(As long as shes not thick as a brick i don't mind)
As long as she's got most of the personality traits the looks...
I'm loving this. Got all my notes written out gonna go to bed soon get a good nights sleep after my all nighter last night. No nerves at all for this exam. Couldn't be better
That one about the ASX I just went on about how obtaining finance from the stock exchange can be very very risky or very very profitable and just went on bout that.
Well the first one section III we will most likely get a stimulus and it hopefully it will be a business report I hope lol and then section IV will be an extended response and we have to work our case study into it