You can mail eStudent support to get them add extra slot on your study plan so that you can enrol. Just tell them how many credit points you need or which subject you want to do.
(i know 'coz i work there)
Donno about phuong. the only phuong i know is in sibt. I know a ngoc though, she's like super smart- she's some sort of teaching assistant for econ200 now :( so jealous i wish Im smart like them lol I dont know what thai looks like but I reckon korean looks really different compared to chinese...
most indonesian students in aust usually come from chinese background (most of them have great grandparents who are chinese.. this is why some of them can speak chinese some of them can't... well I obviously cant) but I reckon its pretty easy to differentiate indo/chinese with chinese mainland...
Im indonesian, Idk why I mentioned vietnamese before maybe coz when I heard SE asian I remember my vietnamese friends lol. viet people are all so smarrtttttt
First of all.. It's Ms not Mr... I think its pretty clear coz i have Gender: Female under my nick name ;)
Look my grandparents are chinese so I'm *technically* still chinese. Is it still discrimination then if Im bagging people from my own background? :P I am not saying that ALL chinese...
my bf is korean-born-aussie and I'm pretty much a fob when I first dated him. How do u describe a fob though, I reckon Im so much better than fob at the start... (speak and write arguably awesome english without accent and I don't dress weird or have blonde hair even tho im asian ;))
Some of my lecturers are female... In fact just checked out this wall in my uni.. they have this learning and teaching award every year given to lecturers.. and guess what.. this year all the recipients are females!!
I guess we're not all that bad then