How about you go fuck yourself. If they're going to assume a moral high ground and tell me I'm not fucking good enough for them, they don't deserve to get $20000 from me every year, to fund someone else's scholarship. And why would I pay to go to UNSW when I have the Co-Op from UTS for BAcc...
split it into two sections
1) Intro on why we need int. crime and the influences of sovereignty. two types: Transnational and Crimes against the international community
2) Transnational:
- types of crimes
- domestic responses
- international responses
Same with Crimes against...
i want a good nights sleep but I dont think it will happen cause ill be too excited cause tomorrow's my last exam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
no not really, if anything, they wouldn't want to piss off America who has just gotten rid of their funding and if you read up on it, you'll see how increasingly disillusioned the world is becoming with Israel.
ugh. this just shows how disgusting the USA and Israel are in their treatment of Palestinian people and how they chuck a hissy fit each time they don't get their way. It's also encouraging to see just how many states are favouring Palestine. About time the world woke up and sees what Israel is...
Say you come first with a 92 and he/she the highest gets 88.
She/he will take your 92 as her INTERNAL mark and will keep their 88 for their EXTERNAL Mark
You will take their 88 as your INTERNAL mark and will keep your 92 as your EXTERNAL Mark
Once averaging this out, you will both get 90 as...
customary makes no sense. There is no human right specified to Indigenous people's owning property and self determination is a collective right giving Indigenous peoples a choice on who governs them. so its kind of an elimination process + the 1992 Mabo Case.