I marked it two years ago and they wanted first person and they put scripts out of the A range that did not use the 'I' because they wanted to make a point about this response being personal. Up until that experience I had also favoured a less clunky personal voice.
Eastern Suburbs $80 an hour. Teaching 26 years. One of my Standard students was 5th in the state last year. Consistently have one or two Standard students a year achieve Band 6 (There are usually only around a hundred Standard Band 6s in the state) I expect you to travel to me which may be an...
You can choose to tell a 'story' through a traditional first or third person voice-you could use a series of letters or diary entries, you could even use a script 'form'.
I don't think any of the people who have answered are familiar with the Distinctively Visual rubric and so they are struggling to give relevant advice. You do need to get some feedback from the marker or your class teacher. You make some relevant points about the texts but you drift into talking...
YOu could talk about why the fence or window are in the foreground as opposed to what or who is in the background. A fence in front of someone may symbolically represent their imprisonment or some sort of barrier. A window provides a narrower frame and may also suggest a character being trapped.
2001: A Space Odyssey
THe Day the Earth Stood Still
Game of Thrones Episode 1 Series 1
War of the Worlds 1953
Solaris 1972 (original)
Soylent Green
Metropolis 1927
I would like to recommend myself as a good English tutor. For more details on my experience/ results go to https://sites.google.com/site/hscenglishonline/course-feedback. I charge a high price for my experience and am in the Eastern suburbs. There are lots of tutors in the Classified section of...
I am an experienced English teacher and this link will tell you a bit about me and the marks my students have received. I am in Coogee but I am also expensive in comparison to what uni students and young teachers will charge. THere are plenty of ads in the classifieds section of this website for...
Do not do Lawson's stories as this is a prescribed text on the HSC list. Try the Tropfest Film 'Mankind is No Island' by Jason Van Genderen-there are plenty of visual elements to focus on. As a second text choose a poem as it is very easy to not only establish the text's purpose, but also to...
You could find texts that look at a character undergoing some sort of physical transformation-becoming blind (Jane Eyre) or perhaps disabled in some way (war injury)-or undergoing the swan/ugly duckling transformation (Strictly Ballroom). A physical change might also refer to a change in...
It's not a hard book to read for an Advanced student-just a bit slow going in the descriptive sections. You've got a week left so you probably should stop procrastinating and get started.
Either version (Director's or Final) is suitable. Both versions have the ending which Scott wanted-where there is uncertainty and darkness, and not the 'happy ending' which the studios originally imposed on Scott. Look for the version on the cover of the DVD to ensure you are using the right one.
Look at the rubric for a start:
'In this elective students will explore how meanings of a pair of texts can be shaped and reshaped by considering the nature of the connections between them. {BY LOOKING AT THE TWO TEXTS TOGETHER_HOW DOES THIS RESHAPE WHAT THE TEXTS SAY AND MEAN _THE IDEAS}...
Although the boat was being buffeted on all sides by wind and the raging water, its occupants were strangely silent, patiently waiting for what now seemed inevitable.
Make them an Afghan family on a boat off Christmas Island-their experience of Australia is a detention centre...
We're not all 60 and there are men but we tend to share the view that songs don't have much to them-how subtle is it to have someone repeating 'I don't belong here'. There is a definite bias against popular culture amongst markers whatever someone's blog may suggest. If you are a good student...
In most years they ask for TWO related texts in at least one of those three sections-but you never know in which one they will ask for two-therefore you need at least two for each
I'm an English teacher who does mark essays online. I'm not affiliated with any organisation but I am expensive in comparison to what uni students will offer you. It takes a while to do properly and to give feedback that will help a student fix any problems-and you pay for the expertise and...