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  1. trapizi

    How to use DET laptop to make money

    Ever heard of doge coin? Easy to mine and have as much value as bitcoin.
  2. trapizi

    School leaver jackets

    It's never too late.
  3. trapizi

    Civil Eng w/ Architecture @ UNSW

    Yes you'll be able to take M.Architecture to be come a qualified architect and a certified engineer after you've done civil/achri. I've talked to BE rep and they told me this. Or you can come to information day for more detail.
  4. trapizi

    Post your gaming setup

    At least I have mechanical keyboard.
  5. trapizi

    School leaver jackets

    China. You can buy jackets for the whole school with $80.
  6. trapizi

    Did you screw up your first assignements and exam?

    No worries cause the NBN wants you
  7. trapizi

    Days off

    days off in yr 12 = life off
  8. trapizi

    [Discuss]Changes in WAM and IPT

    I might transfer to other degree. So yeah.
  9. trapizi

    [Discuss]Changes in WAM and IPT RIP credit.
  10. trapizi

    Board of Studies to drop English...

    Board of Studies to drop English area of study:
  11. trapizi

    LoL thread

    I'll just leave this here for anyone interested:
  12. trapizi

    Is it better to write an unfinished essay or a rushed essay for English?

    If you only have 5 minutes and you can't finish your essay, just stop everything and go write your ending or conclusion. ALWAYS. You'll get mark for having an ending, otherwise you'll be marked down for not having a complete essay- An HSC English head marker told me this. This is legit!
  13. trapizi

    Giving away stuff

    Do you have past papers? I need them for my barbecue party.
  14. trapizi

    LoL thread

    Got match with a plat troll who played gnar for the "first time". You can see him from the pic.
  15. trapizi

    LoL thread

  16. trapizi

    Perdisco :(

    ez 25% ezlyf
  17. trapizi

    Official BOS Trial 2015 Thread

    Will there be free subway like last year?
  18. trapizi

    Chrome Extensions

    Best extension for future UNSW students: