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  1. T

    But we have never used calculus in physics, apart from the saying 'dipping your toes in the...

    But we have never used calculus in physics, apart from the saying 'dipping your toes in the water' as we just touched surface level with the concept of tangent/gradient and integral/area of graphs. ;)
  2. T

    Calculus...I mean for me the reason I dropped advanced was to pursue the study through edrolo to...

    Calculus...I mean for me the reason I dropped advanced was to pursue the study through edrolo to be less stressful/work heavy, whilst still learning the content. Does your school have Edrolo? I think that would've been useful for her.
  3. T

    on the verge of burning out

    On scaling; Do not think too much about scaling, especially comparing to your school rank. Because no matter what school you come from, any ATAR is possible. The reason math/english advanced students get higher marks is not entirely scaling; The students that CAN do harder subjects (i.e...
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    on the verge of burning out

    Yeah this is a common feeling that we've probably all gone through. I think it happens when things pile up and I just forget why it all matters. Like, I know ATAR and all that but I just lose the motivation and inspiration for my future. So I think it helps to just step back, reflect on your...
  5. T

    No, I did advanced math for less than a term but I only did the topics of logarithms, indices...

    No, I did advanced math for less than a term but I only did the topics of logarithms, indices, functions, trig. I think NESA designed physics to be doable by a standard student, but knowledge on functions did come in useful.
  6. T

    Yeah lol it's a reminder for me not to get cocky with my grades and keep trying harder lol :haha:

    Yeah lol it's a reminder for me not to get cocky with my grades and keep trying harder lol :haha:
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    Class of 2025 (2025 HSC CHAT)

    I've been in some tough spots too, leaving me questioning my purpose. What worked for me was thinking about people who inspired me, who have also been through tough experiences. People who have overcome many challenges. It gave me inspiration and motivation to do well in school, also thinking...
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    2026 HSC CHAT

    Yes I think the servers may be having issues. It's not a client-side issue then.
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    Class of 2025 (2025 HSC CHAT)

    Goodnight y'alll
  10. T

    need help look for past papers for one topic/module

    Check your libraryy for textbooks with prelimenary exam questions for each topic. Also if your school has edrolo or atomi use those, or just ask chatGPT for specific questions for the topic. (you can print the edrolo or atomi papers, either with a button on the website or CTRL + P). Or check...
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    2026 HSC CHAT

    I love logarithms (hint hint nudge nudge log(4^sqrt(2))=m)
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    Class of 2025 (2025 HSC CHAT)

    For example, if Q.15 asks me to find a) displacement then b) velocity, I will be marked down for part a) for getting an incorrect value. However for b), I will not be marked down for getting the wrong number for velocity caused by the wrong number for displacement. Instead, the marker will read...
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    Class of 2025 (2025 HSC CHAT)

    If you are asking if it is possible to make a mistake that consequently causes other parts of a question to be incorrect, it is entirely possible. However, markers for these arithmetic subjects (Math, Physics, Chemistry, Biology in some cases) will not mark you down on incorrect values for later...
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    2026 HSC CHAT

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    2026 HSC CHAT

    Btw guys joking My answers are too good NESA said they'll use them for 3026 course
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    2026 HSC CHAT

    That's true my bad but they are starting to implement it with teacher traning as of next year, then fully implemented 2027 as you said :D
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    2026 HSC CHAT

    Guys good luck with your HSC new english syllabus all that also for Enterprise Computing be wary because there's no resources (though they are making them now, there is atleast a year 11 textbook). Also there will literally be one past paper (my anwers will be used as sample answers because I'm...
  18. T

    Legal Studies paragraph structure

    Thyself is familiar with the P.E.E.E.L pargraph structure for body paragraphs, however I need assistance in communicating the sentence placed third; it utliises LCMR and I'm under-placed in my familiiarality with whether I should use e.g a Legislation and a Case in the same paragraph, or stick...
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    lol jk jk

    lol jk jk
  20. T

    ok Capitalism

    ok Capitalism