Idk if I should be freaking out or no :(
For my math standard 2 exam I realised I put the wrong student number. I mixed the last 2 numbers (34) and wrote it as (43).
I emailed my head teacher who has marked HSC papers before and she said its fine many students do this, besides apparently many...
Does anyone know where to find those column charts that have the mark on the x-axis and the number of students getting that mark for each subject? i swear i had a whole drive of all the subjects but it seems to have disappeared and no matter what i search i cant find it again. does anyone know?
Was wondering if anyone had predictions that they genuinely think will be in this year's HSC, particularly for topic 3 (do we think that they'll specify just 1 issue - not objective - like they did with inflation a few years back?)
Thanks :)
Don't worry if your mark is low, in 2023 a much easier paper, a 9 scaled to a 45
Hello BOS users,
Can someone tell me if I have to know any year 11 content for the 2025 HSC (or just HSC in general) for all of my subjects. I'm asking this because some people have been giving me conflicting answers.
Maths Extension 1
Maths Advanced
Modern History...
All names have been changed for the purposes of anonymity including this throwaway account.
I am the parent of my son, Andrew's friend. My son, and his friend Andrew and his brother attend Parramatta Marist High School, Westmead. Recently my son has made aware to me that Andrew and his friends...
For anybody that did Business last year, how many pages are in the main booklet they give you per section? How many pages in the spare booklet? For this years English there was 7 pages in the main booklet and 3 pages in each spare booklet.
I was wondering if anyone could help out with HSC economics (particularly sections 3 and 4, the essays). People always tell me that econ essays are predictable but I literally don't know what plans to write (especially for topics 1 and 2), literally the only essays I can write are for topic 4...
I kinda wrote like this for my essays, a little tiny bit worse I'd say for conclusions/3rd body paragraphs.. uhh.. so, would HSC markers be able to decipher this?
Last image is a pic of my 1984 trial essay, which surprisingly got me an 18/20 despite how rushed it was even seen from the...
how i feel after my newfound love for measurement (my individual experience)
share your individual experiences below! my indomitable human spirit is disintegrating!!
okay i am not a big back but my teacher told me that we are allows to bring in a bag of sweets (in a clear baggy) into the exams as like a lil sugar boost to help w concentration or whatever - i can't find anything on the nesa website that states otherwise. also is gum allowed?
all the best...
how are we meant to know in short answer whether to be really descriptive on what is happening in the text or to just add a lot of technique and analysis. A lot of nesa examples write barely any techniques for a 5+ marker but they talk a lot of whats going on.
what do we look for to...
Like, when we get our ATARs and everyone’s on here posting what they got, what would you see and be like.. damn thats such a bad ATAR would not wanna be them.