year 11

  1. N

    should I start english adv tutoring year 11? coaching college or private tutor?

    Our school doesn't offer standard English for year 11 or 12, and so everyone is basically forced to do advanced english. I just got my Eng advanced marks back and for the writing section, I got 11/15 for an assessment following a stimulus. Thankfully, there was another part to the assessment...
  2. N

    Physics coaching year 11 - Ace, Matrix or Sigma?

    i’m a current year 11 student studying at a top 10 selective school, and I’m deciding whether I should do physics coaching at ace or matrix. I’ve heard mixed opinions on ace and matrix but sigma has mainly positive reviews. I’ve finished module two study at my old physics coaching and I think...
  3. H

    Physics Year 11 Assessment task 1

    I just finished my first assessment today and I felt really dumb. honestly the first module is so easy and I made so many silly mistakes and I don't know what to do. I really enjoy physics but now I am thinking about dropping it next year... I don't know if I can get an A in the assessment. how...
  4. H

    going overseas during july hols when i'm in y11?

    so i have the opportunity to go overseas on a summer camp (its an academic summer camp abt med so i guess it will add to my resume) during the july hols (for 2 wks), and as you can imagine i obvs would love to experience this. however, i obvs am in y11 and july is just before term 3 which is...
  5. W

    Do I need to retake my HSC (and repeat Year 11 and 12) if I want to get into University?

    Title. So, basically, the further I progressed through school, the more my grades turned from As into Es. By the end of Year 12 (2021), I graduated a total of 2 subjects, with terrible grades (bad HSC, no ATAR). I later found out that I have a bunch of mental health conditions influencing me...
  6. J

    Year 11 Physics Mod 1 Free Online Seminar Sunday 19th Feb - ACE

    Hi everyone, Justin here from ACE. In case you missed the last post, I graduated from James Ruse in 2016 and am now the Head of Chemistry and Academic Lead at ACE. I am excited to post again to let you know that our new series of completely free online seminars which review each Module in the...
  7. neqr1te

    Should I drop Maths Ext.1?

    So I got my marks back for the prelim yearlys and unfortunately I kinda flunked mx.1 (below 40% 😬).. I'm not sure what the average actually was but I do know that a lot of people I talked to got around the same or even lower than me. I can def say that I probably got a below average mark though...
  8. P

    Subject changes

    I am currently going into year 12 and do: - Math advanced - Math extension - English advanced - Chemistry - Physics - Legal studies - Studies of religion 1 I want to drop legal studies because It will not help me with what I want to do and I would like to pick up math extension 2. Legal...
  9. T

    Bachelors of …?

    Hi guys, This is probably me just stressing out about random and irrelevant stuff but am I the only one really lost about what I want to do after high school. I 100% know that I want to go to uni but I don’t know what for. Me picking subjects for the hsc based solely on what I like probably...
  10. T

    Anyone Struggling With IPT

    I am doing IPT remotely, This means no in-person teaching and am really struggling to learn the content aswell as stay interested. It is so very boring to be honest but I'm to late to drop it. Anyone dealt with this and got any advice? Ive had a look at some of the notes here and whilst we have...
  11. L

    Tutoring Alternatives for Kurt

    I’m a Year 11 student- went to Kurt in Year 9 & 10 and found it really good- the maths was fun and I was able to extend myself with other students from top selective schools, like me. However, I had to quit because I live 1.25 hours away and travelling that far was no longer a viable option...
  12. J

    Got an N determination warning in maths standard grade 11 for an assingment. Will this ruin my hsc?

    I Got an N determination warning in maths standard grade 11 for an assingment. Will this ruin my hsc?
  13. moonbow

    legal vs society

    deciding between legal studies and society/culture but i like them equally so is there much difference between scaling (if u get the same mark for instance)? is there a course that is better for my preferred uni courses (international relations / political science / international law / political...
  14. moonbow

    subject help pls (mostly worried ab scaling)

    hello :D this is my first post so im not sure if im doing this right anyways my current subjects r english advanced, maths standard, economics, legal studies, korean beginners n modern history. im aiming for an atar of definitely 90+ and it wld b amazing if i cld get 95+ but idk if itll b rly...
  15. L

    Advice for Year 11

    Hi! I’m about to start Year 11 and was wondering if anyone had any tips/tricks for me to make it through the next couple of years. General info- I’m aiming for an atar of 99.5+ (pretty ambitious ik) and I’m taking the following subjects this year: 3u Maths 3u English Chemistry Ancient History...
  16. C

    Maths Textbook Suggestions for holidays??

    Hi guys, I was just wondering if anyone could recommend me any good maths year 11 textbooks or maths olympiad books for Year 11 next year, for practice over the holidays? Thanks! (Good Luck for the Year 12's doing the HSC! I believe in u guys!)
  17. C

    ENG EXT OR GEO....???? 🚑💨💀

    Hi guys if you're reading this PLS help me out!!!! I currently have 13 units for Y12 (4u math, 3u eng, mod his, chem, geo) And I'm thinking about dropping either 3u eng or Geography but I can't choose... both have their pros and cons Drop Eng Ext, Keep Geo Drop Geo, Keep Eng ext - Geo is a...
  18. S

    Biology Preliminary syllabus notes - yr 11

    Hi, just thought I should share my biology syllabus notes covering modules 1, 2 and 3 and each dot point in the syllabus. I hope this helps :)
  19. O

    W.H Auden Notes

    Does anyone have W.H.Auden notes on his poems they are willing to share. plz chuck us
  20. D

    I recently got my year 11 subjects and would like to get some advice

    So for year 11, I got the subjects English advanced, Maths extension, Chemistry, Physics, and economics. I really wanted to do engineering, and I have the option to still pick it, but it is only available in line 5, where I have Economics, which I wanted to do as well, but engineering was my...