13 units, a bad idea? (2 Viewers)


Nov 2, 2009
My subjects are:
English Advanced 2nd
English Extension 2 2nd
2U Maths 12th
Legal Studies 1st
Ancient History 1st
History Extension n/a (just started)
Biology 1st

Is it sensible to be doing 13 units when only the best 10 are counted?

...and what kind of ATAR can I expect with those subjects?

*note - I go to a pretty average high school. Last years top ATAR was 94.something, and that kid did all the science-maths subjects.
Wow, great results here (ranks). If you love all of your subjects and worked very hard, i think 13 Units is possible for getting a high ATAR. If you think it's too much for you, you can drop it anytime you want. :D


Awesome Member
Mar 28, 2008
urgghhh I wish someone could make a logical decision for me.
I'm doing dance classes twice a week to, which includes teaching community classes..
Plus for most years I have relied on natural abilty + cramming (good short term memory). I really can't rely on that as much any more, because it's all CONTENT!!

I'm not really that much of a nerd, I'm just good at getting alot done. Will have to stop going to as many parties and drinking as much.

I really feel like EEXT2 is something I need to do. My english teacher told me I had to after the first creative writing task in year 7. haha.

Maybe I should drop History EXT? But I'm better at 'writing' stuff. ARGH!!!
2 extensions is pretty stupid though..
:spzz: Nobody CAN make a decision for you. There isn't necessarily a right or wrong decision, but if you're finding that taking so many units is becoming too demanding, it might be time to make an executive decision to drop a subject and just deal with it. It really doesn't help to carry all of those "what ifs" through the HSC so the best thing you can do for yourself is to make the best decision you can with the advice you've been given and deal with whatever comes your way after that.

EDIT: as mioumiou said, if you're finding the workload fine at the moment, you should keep the units. You can always drop something at any time in the future if you find it's becoming too much.
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May 3, 2009
I'm thinking Extension2 English since you made a few grammatical mistakes within that post.

Such as


But seriously, just don't stress out so much. Find what you're wasting too much time on if you are so worried about the work load and drop it.

Also do you have a proper study timetable mapped out?
Sorry, obviously I take care to spellcheck for school things.. English extension two tends to 'care' a bit more about creativity than spelling anyway.
Proper study timetable?? gosh no, I don't actually study that much, I just put a lot of effort into homework and finish most things at school.


May 7, 2008
If you can maintain your ranks with the amount of study you do, then by all means 13 units is fine.
I did 13 units and still got 99.90. Though throughout the year, I had thoughts of dropping Japanese Extension and Physics. I actually even stopping going to Japanese Extension classes for about 3 weeks, because I told my teacher that I was gna drop it, but I never filled out the form. So after the 3 weeks I told my teacher, nahh I think I'll keep it, and it ended up counting. So yeah it really depends on you.

If you enjoy all of your subjects then it doesn't matter if you're doing 13 units.
Personally, I really hated Physics, but I was coming like top 15 (out of a group of about 90) for first assessment and half yearlies with like minimal study, so I was like, okay maybe I'll just keep it because I'm getting good without study. But you can't have that mindset, ESPECIALLY for trials and HSC, it just does not work like that lol. I then screwed up the 3rd assessment, getting 75% when the average was like 95% lol and then I just gave up for trials and HSC. I just kept it after trials because I said to myself, I've already come this far, might as well finish it, and it wasn't a hindrance to my HSC timetable as well so yeah.

I know quite a few people that were doing 12/13 units and got 99.90+ for 09 HSC. So yeah.

Hope that helps :)

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