a link for the lazy ones?

(will provide it myself though, if no one else does... lol)
EDIT: Hmm, ok, I have one clash :/ Either I miss the last hour of my 4-hour ARTS310 lecture (what the hell do they want us to do in four hours?!?!?! unless this is time they are allotting to our internship?!?!), or miss my one hour engl319 lecture...
But otherwise not too bad. 5 contact hours over 2 days Semester 1 (2-5pm ARTS300 class on monday, 11-1pm CUL302 seminar)
Semester 2 gets a little more tricky, still with 2 days, but involving 9am starts :/. Mon: 9-1pm ARTS310 lecture, 12pm ENG319 lecture, Tues: 9-11am ENGL 335 seminar, 11-1pm ENGL319 lecture.
^ all this of course, is if I get the exact classes I want. Hopefully that'll be the case, at this rate I'm not going to have to change my work times or extra-curricular times or anything