My day was pretty good...
First period = Ancient Hist.
Pretty boring... I hate all the stuff bout sources and whatnot..can't wait to get into case studies and the other more interesting things...
Second Period = Music
*heart* Music *heart* Though got called out of music to set up the teacher's morning tea

(Missed out on prac!!!) but it was inda fun organising the food into random patterns

hahaha made the teachers go WTF?
When putting out the grapes and olives we made sure to create a space in the middle and have one lone grape/olive in the centre ... we were planning on leaving a note reading "See?! We DO understand alienation!" but didn't get too
Was in the Music room all recess, practising my friends solo. "All Your Reasons" Matchbox 20 ... we couldn't find the tabs for it so my friend had to work out the chords herself.. pain in the butt.
Third Period = Maths
Maths was maths.. what more can I say?
Fourth Period = Drama

Played a game of Pillow Tag first up, and then worked on our dualogues, finally got the teacher to check ours and fix up things.. but its going pretty good at the moment, but the teacher said I need to get more angry

(totally not used to shouting at someone)
And I'm totally dreading.. DREADING.. doing my character bio and Drama Hotseat... and drama log

(Hahaha I've only done half a log so far..slack I know

but meh.)
Went back to the music room

I brought my 12 String Acoustic to school.. so I thought I might as well make the best use of it.. we practised our duet.. we're singing "I'll Be There For You" by the Remembrandts (Friends Theme song!) Sounds pretty cool so far
Fifth Period=English
English was ok... as per usual... but during this lesson I came to the conclusion that I am extremely screwed for English and especially for Core HW which is due next week...
Sixth Period = Legal
Legal was pretty good

It always is.. we have my fav teacher

He's a damn good one.. and apparently writes part of the HSC paper

and classes are never really boring...
Damn that was a long 'summary'
Uuurrgghh.. dreading the weekend!!! I gotta do Core HW ... which means I gotta find and de-construct 3 texts *cries* and then I have to do my drama character biog.. and attempt to finish about 5 weeks worth of drama logs... *cries even more*
Kill me Now!
(Though I do have it alot easier than most of my friends cause they all do sciences and chose subjects (and got teachers) that give them a crap load of HW )