Hey, ill probz be getting textbooks over the holidays in time for Term 2 Year 11.
English won't be necessary.
But I'm desperate for a proper modern 2u advanced maths texbook. The school has given us this crappy 20 year old copy. I've heard cambridge is good. Any others?
Suggestions for a good Biology text would be nice, like 'In-Focus' or any others?
I don't know much about the text books for senior geography, we are using one at school but what would be good for home?
Legal studies is pretty awesome, we've been given a CD-ROM for the updated cambridge text. Booya.
However, are their any updated study guides for the new syllabus available now, or will be soon?? 
We may be getting a text for Society and Culture. If u know anything besides Heinemann, feel free to comment...
This is directed to anyone who has gone through the HSC or is going through, or anyone else with ideas. Thankss.
English won't be necessary.
But I'm desperate for a proper modern 2u advanced maths texbook. The school has given us this crappy 20 year old copy. I've heard cambridge is good. Any others?
Suggestions for a good Biology text would be nice, like 'In-Focus' or any others?
I don't know much about the text books for senior geography, we are using one at school but what would be good for home?
Legal studies is pretty awesome, we've been given a CD-ROM for the updated cambridge text. Booya.
We may be getting a text for Society and Culture. If u know anything besides Heinemann, feel free to comment...
This is directed to anyone who has gone through the HSC or is going through, or anyone else with ideas. Thankss.