2013 Federal election (4 Viewers)

2013 Federal Election: 2PP Voting Intention

  • Liberal / National Coalition

    Votes: 101 50.0%
  • Australian Labor Party

    Votes: 101 50.0%

  • Total voters


et tu
Mar 6, 2007
Vespucci Beach
Uni Grad
Scared and scarred, federal Coalition have zero chance of winning this federal election.
Tony Abbott is tired, out of puff and is a spent force. How had it come to this? A man who had dominated Aust politics since early 2011-2013. Tony Abbott who was on the cusp of winning one of the biggest landslide victories in modern federal political history is now conceding defeat. Joe Hockey admits that the public is deeply, madly and truly in love with Kevin Rudd. Many on the Coalition side of politics have real expectations that Labor could still be in government for ten more years. Joe Hockey has confided to some journalists that the Abbott Opposition has lost its way and is presenting himself as the only person who can take on the dominant Kevin Rudd. Joe Hockey says under Tony Abbott the Opposition is dysfunctional, chaotic and paralysed. Tony Abbott who almost became one of the most effective Opposition Leaders in Australian political history is dead, buried and cremated. The aspirational King is dead long live the aspirational King. Kevin Rudd is the greatest political thinker and doer in Australian political history. I expect Kevin Rudd to at least overtake John Howard to became Australia's second longest serving PM. Politics is not just about policy it is also about inspiration. Kevin Rudd is a very inspirational leader.
hahahaha god I love this guy


New Member
Nov 5, 2008
Re: 2013 Australian Federal election

Tony Abbott is one of the most toxic Opposition leaders in Australian History. He wants to cut pensions and give a big tax cut to millionaires furthermore, leaving the less fortunate to suffer in poverty. Abbott is a hollow bitter and toxic man. He is full of sleaze, smear and aggression. He opposed the fiscal stimulus that kept Australia out of a Great Depression. Australia is facing the most challenging economic circumstances since the Great Depression. We have the lowest debt, low deficit, low unemployment, record low interest rates and high economic growth. Australia is the stand out economy in the Western world. Tony Abbott wants you to be on your own as manifested by his neo liberalism. Gillard knows that we rise and fall together as Australians. Tony Abbott didn't even know that New Zealand was in recession in 2009. Tony Abbott is all talk no action. Tony Abbott has no policies to improve living standards and providing a fair go for all Australians. Tony Abbott is an out of touch elitist that turned his back on the less fortunate.

^ you forgot 'woman h8er' :chainsaw2:


Premium Member
Feb 13, 2004
Uni Grad
scared and scarred, federal coalition have zero chance of winning this federal election.
Tony abbott is tired, out of puff and is a spent force. How had it come to this? A man who had dominated aust politics since early 2011-2013. Tony abbott who was on the cusp of winning one of the biggest landslide victories in modern federal political history is now conceding defeat. Joe hockey admits that the public is deeply, madly and truly in love with kevin rudd. Many on the coalition side of politics have real expectations that labor could still be in government for ten more years. Joe hockey has confided to some journalists that the abbott opposition has lost its way and is presenting himself as the only person who can take on the dominant kevin rudd. Joe hockey says under tony abbott the opposition is dysfunctional, chaotic and paralysed. Tony abbott who almost became one of the most effective opposition leaders in australian political history is dead, buried and cremated. The aspirational king is dead long live the aspirational king. Kevin rudd is the greatest political thinker and doer in australian political history. I expect kevin rudd to at least overtake john howard to became australia's second longest serving pm. Politics is not just about policy it is also about inspiration. Kevin rudd is a very inspirational leader.
shut the hell up you hack


Active Member
Jan 13, 2007
Uni Grad
Wong slams incompetent Robb on AAA credit rating. Source: AFR (Australian Financial Review)
Opposition Finance spokesperson Andrew Robb censure of the value of Australia's credit rating shows he is unfit to run the nation's finances. Mr Robb said rating agencies had made serious mistakes that contributed to the Global Financial Crisis and called into question the value of Australia's AAA credit rating. Robb equated the Australian credit rating with that of Lehman Bros just before it became bankrupt. Lehman Bros also had a triple A credit rating but became bankrupt. Penny Wong, Finance Minister said we have a man who would talk down the strength of the Australian economy based on blatant lies. What this amounts to is an economic crime against humanity perpetrated by Mr Robb who is engaged in misleading and deceptive conduct regarding the finances of the nation. Mr Robb is a major risk to the economy and is living in economic fantasy Island. Mr Abbott and Mr Robb have repeatedly said that Australia's economy is in a state of national emergency but failed to realize that Australia's debt levels are very sustainable and low compared to international finance standards in the developed world. Mr Abbott and Mr Robb continue to talk down the resilient strength of the Australian economy and undermine Consumer and Business economic confidence. With friends like Mr Abbott and Mr Robb who needs enemies.
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Premium Member
Dec 21, 2010
Wong slams incompetent Robb on AAA credit rating.
Opposition Finance spokesperson Andrew Robb censure of the value of Australia's credit rating shows he is unfit to run the nation's finances. Mr Robb said rating agencies had made serious mistakes that contributed to the Global Financial Crisis and called into question the value of Australia's AAA credit rating. Robb equated the Australian credit rating with that of Lehman Bros just before it became bankrupt. Lehman Bros also had a triple A credit rating but became bankrupt. Penny Wong, Finance Minister said we have a man who would talk down the strength of the Australian economy based on blatant lies. What this amounts to is an economic crime against humanity perpetrated by Mr Robb who is engaged in misleading and deceptive conduct regarding the finances of the nation. Mr Robb is a major risk to the economy and is living in economic fantasy Island. Mr Abbott and Mr Robb have repeatedly said that Australia's economy is in a state of national emergency but failed to realize that Australia's debt levels are very sustainable and low compared to international finance standards in the developed world. Mr Abbott and Mr Robb continue to talk down the resilient strength of the Australian economy and undermine Consumer and Business economic confidence. With friends like Mr Abbott and Mr Robb who needs enemies.
There is nothing wong with Robb saying that. Theres truth to what he claims


Active Member
Jan 13, 2007
Uni Grad
Gladiators square off. Source: The Australian (newspaper)
Its time for the rematch: Kevin Rudd (the man many say will become Australia's longest serving PM) v Tony Abbott( Australia's most unpopular Opposition Leader). Labor wants to turn this into the biggest personal leadership contest Aust has seen, to build on the huge boost the federal Government has had from Rudd's return, while Tony Abbott wants to put greater emphasis on the Coalition team to reinforce a sense of stability.
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Active Member
Jan 13, 2007
Uni Grad
PNG Solution is a failed solution because it is illegal under international law: Sathius 005.
Federal Labor's PNG Solution can be struck down says the High Court of Australia. Former Justice Kirby has revealed that the PNG Solution is a breach of international law as outlined by the UN refugee convention. Labor needs to amend the UN Refugee Convention with the support of the European Union and America. Most likely the EU and USA will oppose Mr Rudd's amendments to the UN refugee convention. Amending the UN refugee convention could take years. David Cameron, UK (Conservative) PM said that Mr Rudd is a political coward who was willing to put his self interest ahead of the international interest. "Mr Rudd has turned his back on the fair go" said former Liberal PM, Malcolm Fraser. Don't be surprised folks if the PNG solution is not implemented. This so called solution is just a political fix. Vote 1.Greens 2.Labor and Liberals last if you want to see a humane approach to refugees. Help asylum seekers we must. Help asylum seekers we will. We will decide who comes to this country and the circumstances under which they come. Tony Abbott would turn boats around and risk the lives of navy personnel and asylum seekers, violate international law by turning boats around. Tony Abbott is rotten to the core and has no sense of humanity in him. Tony Abbott is toxic. Axe the Coalition vote people. Tony Abbott is a traitor to what this nation stands for (the fair go). Remember this material fact please my loyal readers, 90 per cent of asylum seekers are genuine refugees. Tony Abbott is out of whack with community standards in his cruel and inhumane refugee policy.
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Active Member
Oct 25, 2007
seriously, have non of the mods decided to ban sathius yet? just fills threads with his useless astroturfing. it's so blatant it hurts.


Active Member
Jan 13, 2007
Uni Grad
Dovish RBA warning on budget cuts. Source Australian Financial Review. The stance on fiscal policy is always a consideration for monetary policy. Economic growth has slowed to below trend, normally considered just above three per cent and that employment is not very strong. Revenue forecasts may be between $20 billion and $30 billion lower than forecast in May. John Edwards, Reserve Bank of Australia board member, has warned Labor's razor gang against deep spending cuts or large tax increases because of the economy's fragility.
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Active Member
Jan 13, 2007
Uni Grad
Kevin Rudd is a better public policy implementation expert than Tony Abbott: Galaxy Poll.

Source: News Ltd
KEVIN Rudd is more trusted to implement election promises than Tony Abbott, despite the Prime Minister abandoning key pledges last time he was in power.
An exclusive Galaxy Poll for the Herald Sun also reveals Mr Rudd has clawed back economic credibility for Labor to be level-pegging on that crucial issue with Mr Abbott.
But while Mr Rudd enjoys a big lead as preferred PM, the poll shows if Malcolm Turnbull became Liberal leader, he would streak ahead of Mr Rudd.
The Galaxy Poll of 1015 voters taken last week reveals 37 per cent say Mr Rudd can be most trusted to keep election promises, compared with 32 per cent believing Mr Abbott.
About 31 per cent were undecided.
It comes despite Mr Rudd's record between 2007 and 2010 when he broke key promises on climate change, childcare and the Budget.
Mr Rudd and Mr Abbott were tied on 41 per cent when voters were asked who they most trusted to manage the economy and restore confidence.
On the question of better PM, Mr Rudd leads Mr Abbott by 51 to 35 per cent - virtually unchanged since he returned as leader four weeks ago. But when asked to choose between Mr Turnbull and Mr Rudd, the former Liberal leader was significantly in front of Mr Rudd by 46 to 38 per cent.
Galaxy Research managing director David Briggs said Labor's resurgence in the poll was due to Mr Rudd's personal popularity and concerns many voters had about Mr Abbott's suitability for the top job.
"Despite Labor's poor track record in implementing policies over the last three years, they still have a chance of an unlikely victory in the forthcoming federal election because Kevin Rudd is considered a better choice than Tony Abbott," Mr Briggs said.
He said the tied result on economic management was significant. "Given that the economy is traditionally a strong suit for the Liberal Party, this result confirms the concerns that some voters have in the leadership skills of Tony Abbott."
Today is Mr Rudd's last chance to call an election for August 31 but it is considered unlikely. The hot date for the poll is now September 21 - Mr Rudd's 56th birthday, the first day of the Victorian state school holidays and the weekend of AFL preliminary finals.
Mr Abbott said Mr Rudd was "running away from an election on the 31st of August" and the Government was "in panic" over the poor state of the Budget.
"Three years is up. Mr Rudd, call the election, stop running away from the public," he said.
Acting PM Anthony Albanese called on Mr Abbott to "calm down".
"He's starting to sound hysterical," he said.
"Kevin Rudd will call an election in good time."


Active Member
Jan 13, 2007
Uni Grad
Did you know that we are more than $147.3 billion in net federal government debt (10 per cent of GDP) and we are one of the nations in the world with the strongest public finances. We have a strong set of economic fundamentals and Australia is in a strong place in the world. Notwithstanding that it will take two decades for Australia to pay back net federal government debt as said by Peter Costello. Australia's economy just like the global economy is fragile. Australia is on the brink of recession. The days of strong economic growth (at least 3 per cent per year) enjoyed over the past two decades is gone. What goes up must come down. Now Australia's economy is coming down back to earth. Now is not the time for savage cuts to the federal budget. Mr Abbott wants to implement toxic cuts to the bone. Cutting government spending at a time of international recession is an act of economic self harm. Don't risk Mr Abbott with our first class Australian economy. Now is not the time for P platers like Mr Abbott (Federal Opposition Leader) and (Shadow Treasurer)Joe Hockey.


Active Member
Jan 13, 2007
Uni Grad
Federal Labor enlists top Obama campaigners. Source: Australian Financial Review.
Two USA Democrat campaign experts who helped secure the re- election of President Obama have been enlisted to bolster Labor's strategy for the federal election. Their arrival has bolstered already rampant speculation inside Labor the Prime Minister Kevin Rudd will call the election this weekend for September 7. The Democrat campaigners are Tom McMahon and Joon Kim. They are primarily experts in field campaigning, which involves targeted face to face and telephone lobbying of voters something the Obama campaign used to maximum effect during the 2012 presidential election.

Mr McMahon has almost two decades of campaign experience from 2005-2009 he served as Executive Director of the Democratic National Committee. Both he and Mr. Kim will spend most of the campaign in Australia advising and observing. One Labor strategist said the campaign to be primarily presidential campaign, would involve the biggest social media and field campaigns Labor has embarked upon. We're doing a bigger field campaign than we've ever done before he said, adding there is no shortage of volunteers since Mr Rudd resumed the leadership. Labor plans to adopt the use of sophisticated databases which allow the campaign team to identify individual voters concerns and target them with direct messages. The Obama camp used this to target the votes of women, blacks and Hispanics.
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