2013 Federal election (5 Viewers)

2013 Federal Election: 2PP Voting Intention

  • Liberal / National Coalition

    Votes: 101 50.0%
  • Australian Labor Party

    Votes: 101 50.0%

  • Total voters


kill all boomers
Dec 4, 2009
Forever UNSW
Re: 2013 Australian Federal election

RE: Onelasttime why is Labor "horrible"? Tony Abbott is toxic. He has no policies, no vision and no fresh ideas. You have to be bold in life. You have to take life on. If you be casual about life you will end up a casualty. You have to be hungry to win.
You have to be willing to throw children into rape cages indefinitely to further your political career, sounds like the right kind of person


Premium Member
Dec 21, 2010
Re: 2013 Australian Federal election

Why is Gillard a "disaster?" She has implemented policies that will stop the boats. She is implementing the National Disability Insurance Scheme.
She kept Australia out of recession in 2012.
She is getting people off welfare and into work. She is tackling climate change.
She is a strong economic manager. We have the lowest debt, deficit, low inflation, low unemployment, record low interest rates and high economic growth in the Western world.
This all under Labor.
lol no!

RE: Onelasttime why is Labor "horrible"? Tony Abbott is toxic. He has no policies, no vision and no fresh ideas. You have to be bold in life. You have to take life on. If you be casual about life you will end up a casualty. You have to be hungry to win.
if he has no policies then how do you know that he will take us "Backwards on health. Backwards on economic management. Backwards on education."??


Just Bee Yourself 🐝
Nov 26, 2008
Re: 2013 Australian Federal election

a candidate having no policies would literally be better than Gillard


Oct 21, 2011
Re: 2013 Australian Federal election

Tony Abbott is not up to job of being PM. He lacked economic judgement to act during the GFC. He has a history of opposing the fiscal stimulus that kept Australia out of an economic Depression. Tony Abbott is talking down the strength of the Australian economy. Tony Abbott is a climate change denier. He said that the science of climate change is "absolute crap." He made fun of the death of an Australian soldier as "shit happens." He attacked Bernie Banton as "not pure of heart." Abbott said that the Gillard government should have "died of shame" using the same phrase that toxic shock jock Alan Jones used to describe the death of Julia Gillard's father as a man that "died of shame." Abbott, the Liberals, Mal Brough and Mr Ashby abused due process of law regarding Peter Slipper's sexual harassment case. The Liberals attacked Julia Gillard of engaging in "illegal conduct" during the AWU slush fund affair. Abbott produced no evidence to back up his claims that Gillard was a criminal.

Abbott is on a campaign to smear anyone who doesn't agree with his elitist views. Let's prove Mr Abbott wrong. Vote Labor.
Talk about the loony left.

a) Coalition win - after all they're the 'born to rule' party
b) China, Refugees, vision, personality politics, homelessness and the NBN (both the labor and liberal versions of it)
c) Funny how people say Turnball. Before the ETS bill and his subsequent removal as leader of the party Turnball was never popular among the public and never held such awesome policy values. Do you people, in all your naivety, think that if Turnball is leader of the libs that all of sudden we will see policy potions shift?Of course not. Doing that breaks the image of party, their narrative. Further, the leader also has to contend with backbenches, the party room and the state divisions of the party, let alone the federal exc branch of the libs. The leader does have the same sway over policy as one might think.


Mar 28, 2009
Uni Grad
Re: 2013 Australian Federal election

A. Coalition victory (I have a feeling Greenway & other swing seats in NSW will vote for the Libs this time round)
B. The economy, asylum seekers, ad-hominem bullshit from Gillard and the handbag hitsquad, carbon tax and integrity (if any such thing exists in politics)
C. John Howard

@Sathius005: Abbott was also one of the most successful opposition leaders in Australian political history - remember he had Labor's primary vote down to 26%. I'm quite confident of a comprehensive coalition victory and put in place a competent, democratically elected government once more.

Abbott sounds very Prime Ministerial in this speech, imo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eS7L8zX90No

Howard wasn't very popular either, as opposition leader or PM, but was a very successful PM (if not our best since Menzies)


et tu
Mar 6, 2007
Vespucci Beach
Uni Grad
Re: 2013 Australian Federal election

@Sathius005: Abbott was also one of the most successful opposition leaders in Australian political history - remember he had Labor's primary vote down to 26%. I'm quite confident of a comprehensive coalition victory and put in place a competent, democratically elected government once more.
good opposition leader does not mean a good PM

also landslide victories are never good for the country


Oct 21, 2011
Re: 2013 Australian Federal election

By one vote. I doubt that bloc will be as powerful as it was given the fortunes of the party now. I ask of you what socially progessive polices this bloc wants? Well woopy-de-do. All Turnball has to do is appear at the right time, make a few comments and attend some loony festival and the media grabs the sound bites and so forth, all of which are geared to paint Turnball in stark contrast to TA (and interestingly, the party). Abbott's poltical style and tact has been to attack the govt again again. You'd be a fool to suggest he hasn't done a good job at that. But there are diminishing return, in that SHORT term popularity falls. Of course Turnball looks more popular then abbot, but popularity, as we have seen (hawke, gough) does not grant automatic political sway and an a deftness for running the country. Over to you...

Forgot to quote - for lentern
Last edited:


Active Member
Jan 13, 2007
Uni Grad
Re: 2013 Australian Federal election

Will mate what will make you vote Labor?


Oct 21, 2011
Re: 2013 Australian Federal election

I vote either way. This time, the libs. Both parties have failed, both parties have lost a generation of voters.


Mar 28, 2009
Uni Grad
Re: 2013 Australian Federal election

and what the shit is this based on?
Tightened gun laws after a mass shooting
Prevented illegal immigration
Cut excessive spending by labor and left Australia a large surplus (which helped us stay strong during the GFC)
Introduced a code of Ministerial Conduct
Allowed same sex couples to inherit super
Introduced the Northern Territory intervention to protect children from sexual abuse and from neglect

No leader is perfect. But John Howard was a leader who left this country in a much stronger position than when he inherited it.


Mar 28, 2009
Uni Grad
Re: 2013 Australian Federal election

good opposition leader does not mean a good PM

also landslide victories are never good for the country
Kevin Rudd was a fantastic opposition leader. So was John Howard. Hell, so was Robert Menzies. That's what made them PM, being good opposition leaders. We should, inter alia, judge whether a PM is 'good' by their legacy.


dvds didnt exist in 1991
Nov 5, 2006
Re: 2013 Australian Federal election

Tightened gun laws after a mass shooting
you're right, howard was a statist gungrabbing scumbag
Prevented illegal immigration
thats true, he kept the brownies out so points for that
Cut excessive spending by labor and left Australia a large surplus (which helped us stay strong during the GFC)
the budget would've returned to surplus under keating. hawke delivered a surplus before keating's 'recession we had to have', which produced sustained deficits between 1992 and 1998. the return to surplus in 1999 is not attributable to any howard reforms. it is absolutely untrue that the "large surplus" bestowed upon us by ser john the benevolent helped us stay strong during the GFC. furthermore, his surplus was the result of 1) selling of public assets like telstra (that went great didn't it) 2) letting public infrastructure (roads, education, hospitals) rot. the surplus would've been even bigger were it not for the incremental tax cuts and middle class handouts.
Introduced a code of Ministerial Conduct
Allowed same sex couples to inherit super
weren't partisan issues
Introduced the Northern Territory intervention to protect children from sexual abuse and from neglect

No leader is perfect. But John Howard was a leader who left this country in a much stronger position than when he inherited it.
though howard was an apt manager, he was not the reformer that keating was. howard introduced the GST, which was good policy and one that keating first recommended and later opposed, but workchoices was a disaster. keating floated the dollar, legislated the RBA's independence, reduced tariffs, introduced compulsory super, collective barganing, and propelled the deregulation of the financial sector. these policies took considerable courage and clout. howard left australia with a massive infrastructure deficit, left us with a commitment to two wars and considerable defence department bloat which labor hasn't a clue how to rein in.

keating built the ship, howard sailed it. keating made us laugh with his potty mouth antics, howard made us laugh at his corny tracksuits and will never hold a candle to menzies or fraser.

and what lentern said


dvds didnt exist in 1991
Nov 5, 2006
Re: 2013 Australian Federal election

keating was still a communist, however


Oct 21, 2011
Re: 2013 Australian Federal election

Gough was not popular, he had poor approval ratings pretty much from 1969 onward. Hawke was very popular and never lost a general election. Abbott's success relates more to the Labor party's behaviour than his own. Their distaste for Rudd was sufficient for them to betray the trust the electorate had placed in them in 2007. This was compounded when Labor returned Julia Gillard in the February 2012 leadership ballot, a move which wreaked of contempt for the views of the voting public. Voters are saddled with a Prime Minister and a government they never wanted and never voted for and are venomously angry about this. The fact that the coalition was unable to win the 2010 election in spite of the Labor leadership spill in June is testament to the levels of Abbott's incompetence.
What policies? I understand a significant bulk of the party do not want to reintroduce Temporary Protection Visas, support an Emissions Trading Scheme, Support a conscience vote on marriage equality, support the National Broadband network and oppose paid parental leave.
Yet won two elections? My point was that it matters little (or, sadly, it should) what popularity a leader cultivates, that counts for nothing in running the country, implementing successful policy, keeping check of the party room etc. Indeed, Abbott has gained much ground due to Labor's own faults. A classic example was the high court knock back of the Malaysian 'solution'. And agreed, if labor wishes to save the furniture that Rudd should of been restored, and the coup, non-existent. However, we should not be so liberally handed in blaming leadership woes for the current state of Labor. Rudd was a PM who lacked a clear moral compass and vision - evident in his non use of the DD. If they never wanted Gillard then I wonder why they returned her to office. Granted, if green prefs had not flown to labor we would actually have a lib govt and wayne swan would of lost his seat. The 2010 election, as per its result really was a wake up call (though not heeded) for the parties, both parties lost.

TPV's work. If you combine it with the full howard suite and better regional support then we may stop the boats. A significant bulk may be, but in political reality if you haven't got numbers then it counts for nothing. An ETS is a socially progressive policy and ppl is not? Pray, tell. Over to you...


Oct 21, 2011
Re: 2013 Australian Federal election

Gough was not popular, he had poor approval ratings pretty much from 1969 onward. Hawke was very popular and never lost a general election. Abbott's success relates more to the Labor party's behaviour than his own. Their distaste for Rudd was sufficient for them to betray the trust the electorate had placed in them in 2007. This was compounded when Labor returned Julia Gillard in the February 2012 leadership ballot, a move which wreaked of contempt for the views of the voting public. Voters are saddled with a Prime Minister and a government they never wanted and never voted for and are venomously angry about this. The fact that the coalition was unable to win the 2010 election in spite of the Labor leadership spill in June is testament to the levels of Abbott's incompetence.
What policies? I understand a significant bulk of the party do not want to reintroduce Temporary Protection Visas, support an Emissions Trading Scheme, Support a conscience vote on marriage equality, support the National Broadband network and oppose paid parental leave.
Yet won two elections? My point was that it matters little (or, sadly, it should) what popularity a leader cultivates, that counts for nothing in running the country, implementing successful policy, keeping check of the party room etc. Indeed, Abbott has gained much ground due to Labor's own faults. A classic example was the high court knock back of the Malaysian 'solution'. And agreed, if labor wishes to save the furniture that Rudd should of been restored, and the coup, non-existent. However, we should not be so liberally handed in blaming leadership woes for the current state of Labor. Rudd was a PM who lacked a clear moral compass and vision - evident in his non use of the DD. If they never wanted Gillard then I wonder why they returned her to office. Granted, if green prefs had not flown to labor we would actually have a lib govt and wayne swan would of lost his seat. The 2010 election, as per its result really was a wake up call (though not heeded) for the parties, both parties lost.

TPV's work. If you combine it with the full howard suite and better regional support then we may stop the boats. A significant bulk may be, but in political reality if you haven't got numbers then it counts for nothing. An ETS is a socially progressive policy and ppl is not? Pray, tell. Over to you...


Oct 21, 2011
Re: 2013 Australian Federal election

You make well make that point now you did not intend to before.

Yes we should, if the coup doesn't happen, Labor is comfortably re-elected, Abbott becomes a historical footnote and the moderates take back control of the coalition. Not under Turnbull though, more likely a Hockey/Pyne team.


Who is they? If you mean the people they didn't. Given the opportunity to affirm Gillard's appointment as Prime Minister the overwhelming majority of Australians declined that opportunity. She should have resigned then and there, the new leader would have been entitled to negotiate with the Independants but should have done so with a view to return to the polls within 12 months as per the example set by Brown, Mandelson and Miliband in the UK just months earlier. Their keeping Gillard in government depsite the electorates rejection for her all contributes to this disliking voters have for the current government. They feel, justifiably so, that by removing the Prime Minister they elected, then keeping Julia Gillard in office despite their rejecting her at the election that the Labor party caucus is treating them with contempt. And they are. This is how it's come to be that the retarded problem child of the Howard ministry now is poised to become Prime Minister.

You may well think Temporary Protection Visas work, a substantial block of the coalition(and the department of immigration) do not.

An ETS is a policy which pertains to an issue which generally seems to split people along left/right ideologically lines. A policy which encourages women to be good old fashioned wives and have lots of sex and babies with their husbands is socially conservative, yes.
Apologies... Typo. It should of read: "(or, sadly, it shouldn't)".

Not to the extent that we see Liberal gains/Labor losses through the sole prism of some shoddy leadership mistakes. The current state of labor is blamed in part for many factors. For example... Their failure until recently to articulate and map out an effective narrative, their lackluster communication skills both on good policy work and remarkably, in defense their own tax. But a few problems which dog labor. The leadership issue is still there but we should not paint it with a 4 inch brush it's not "post hoc ergo propter hoc". Hockey is not so moderate. He gave a speech to a conservative think tank in London in mid-late 2012 urging that a razor be taken to welfare policy and the like. Turnball is moderate. Pyne is closer to TA.

If my memory serves me correctly, then I have on this forum already spoken (with you and et al) about this issue directly. Granted, it is difficult to articulate a vision for Australia after only one term, to be fair, he had championed the big Australia idea which was connected of course with China and placing australia in a better context for bigger/better regional development.However I stick by my claim that Rudd, had he of truly believed in the ETS should of gone to a dd. He could of at least tried to pass it again, and this time go full bore on the political attack (lacking one it pasted house of reps).

Indeed, the majority (but not overwhelming - lets not get hasty) of voters did not pull for gillard. However that is not how our system works - as you know. It was neither an endorsement nor strong backlash against her. Simply: the people voted, Gillard got into office again. I share your views on this, that the independents (and the party room) held the country to ransom. However, gillard had a mandate.

TPV's do work - if as I said Incorporated with the aforementioned, key factors.

The ppl is in our case an issue of semantics. While I disagree that the govt should support new mothers at all, I will play devils advocate. I see the ppl more as a welfare net than a means to end to produce more babies and thus get free money. You go against the grain here, commentators disagree that a ppl is socially conservative, rather is is actually progressive. Is it socially conservative to pay dads to spend time off work to look after their new babies, after all, i thought it was the conserv. view that they be at work being the bread winners? Over to you...


Active Member
Jan 13, 2007
Uni Grad
Re: 2013 Australian Federal election

A mate of mine who is an Investment Banker at Macquarie Bank votes for the Australian Greens. He is from a very conservative background. He joined the Young Liberals when he was at University. Now he votes 1) the Australian Greens 2) Australian Labor Party. He said the defining factor why he votes Australian Greens and Labor is because of incompetent Tony Abbott. Tony Abbott opposed the fiscal stimulus in during the Global Financial Crisis. Tony Abbott opposed action on climate change saying that the science of climate change was "absolute crap." Tony Abbott treated the crippled Bernie Banton with disrespect by claiming that he was not "pure of heart." Tony Abbott's number one fan Alan Jones idiotically claimed that Julia Gillard's father "died of shame." Tony Abbott treated the death of an Aussie digger as "shit happens." Tony Abbott claimed that Julia Gillard has a big "target" on herself- inspiring evil people to assassinate the Prime Minister. Tony Abbott stood in front of sexist signs saying "ditch the witch" and "Bob Brown's Bitch." There are fewer females on Tony Abbott's front bench than on Julia Gillard's front bench and the Australian Greens Shadow Cabinet. Mark my words one day the Greens will become a major political player and may even form government. I laugh at those right wing shock jocks who claim that the Greens are socialists. The Greens are a mainstream political party.

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