2023 HSC chat (7 Viewers)


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Aug 25, 2022
Awful. I'm not proud of it. I'm not gonna say what I made for privacy reasons, but it went awfully.

That SDD project wrecked my internals for every subject. I got it before the six week break, and didn't do any work because of how much I hated it.

I left it all to the final two weeks, and failed it miserably. I only managed to implement 30 percent of the functionality. Luckily many students fucked up with this, so my internals for SDD aren't compltely fucked.

I procrasitinate in a really weird way, where I sit at the computer for 8 hours and shit post on reddit until it's time to go to sleep, so I spent pretty much previous term 2 doing no study.

I didn't do any study for Physics or chemistsry, so I didn't know any of mod 7/8. My chem teacher gave the depth study assignment, I asked when it was due, and he said a due date that was very soon. I pretty much almost started crying in the classroom, because I knew I was going to fail it, and he told me "it's just a small project you'll do fine". I RANKED DEAD LAST.

For Physics I managed to salvage my marks at the end, as I could choose either to fail Chemistry or Physics. I got above average for Physics, and bombed Chemistry. My internal for CHemisry is a band 3. My internal for Physics is a band 4, although my trial results are a band 5 according to the teacher.

I got 2 hours of sleep for 1.5 weeks in a row, and did a Math extension test, and got second highest in class(80 percent), with 2 hours of sleep lol. Average was 74 percent so it wasn't very good.

I slept during math class, because I knew I could learn all the content in a day if I wanted to, so I slept in the back of class, and my teacher kept having to wake me up, and I went back to sleep. Funily enough, I got top in math advanced in the trials for my class lol. I was so tired, I went ot the library, and laid in the middle of library in a room no one every visits. It's kinda like my bedroom inside of school.

Oh and for the take home assignment for math I got lowest in my class because I did it the night before and they docked me, despite me being one of the top.

My personal HSC goal is a 95 percent raw in math. A 65 percent raw in extension. And whatever gets me a band 6 in both Physics and Chemistry. And a mid band 4 in English. To prove I'm at least as smart as a North Sydney Boys student
turn off your computer G its destroying you


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2021
turn off your computer G its destroying you
Not the computer. I plain and simply dgaf about my subjects. Words cannot express my hatred for my subject. The only subject I like is Math Advanced, because it's easy to top . Even if I didn't have my computer I'd rather stare at teh wall than do work.

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