how does someone love all there subjects

what makes you like them??
biology - links with medicine here and there which is the career i'm choosing and it also explains the function of certain things which i enjoy learning about since everything links nicely
business - it's a subject that i see being applicable to me in the future and the interdependence between modules is taught so it is apparent; the content is just nice
chemistry - i like how it mixes science with a good amount of math and it's clear how application is based on understanding
sor2 - the structure for different responses is very logical and everything in the subject flows nicely
ya'll should I do a persuasive or discursive or imaginative for eng? i don't really want to do an imaginative though...any suggestions?
i don't even know man, i only have discursive and persuasive as an option for mine

personally, i might do a persuasive since i can't write discursives for the life of me