anyways real advice if youre trying to convert people. dont randomly post stuff about gods love on message boards, its not going to work to convert others. try show gods love through your actions, thats what converts people. i think that would be the most effective because if youre having positive impacts on the world and you express youre doing it to spread gods love, people are more likely to think of god positively and consider converting because theyve seen that god cares for them via you. maybe next time when you see a homeless person you could ask if they want something from coles, then purchase it for them. you can then just say something small like "god bless you". it shows to the person god cares for them because youve acted via gods will or whatever and they may convert. you trying to preach to people turns them away, a lot of people like me have made up their minds already, and you being pushy just turns people away further. spread gods love through your actions, not fear.