current dilemma:
i want my own ipad (i have been stealing my sister's for the past year and i feel bad) but i am kinda broke so i need to consider a few things
* is 64gb enough for the whole of hsc? i want to dump all of my hsc stuff onto the ipad for sake of convenience and i think that alone is already > 64 gb
* how do i not get scammed on fb marketplace (or when trying to buy refurbished items)
* how do i get #good deals
* is 10.9" screen size enough ??
(am trying to get an air 4th gen+)
* easier to keep track of stuff/past papers/go back to each past paper
* do not need to print everything
* can do stuff on the post-study train ride home
* i don't want to be broke asf
* i don't want to be broke asf
* again may not have enough storage space for $$ (and i don't want to be broke asf)
thank you