2026 HSC CHAT (5 Viewers)

Study to success

Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2024
my grave
I've defo started it- but i still need to do a lot more so i'm hoping to finish off the script and part of the video today- and i can do the rest tomorrow- Locking in is hard though because i get distracted soooo easily- Also i've got 5 other exams to study for in the upcoming week so it's hard to just focus on chem.
yeah I get distracted easily too


New Member
Oct 21, 2024


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2024
221B Baker Street
Hey do you guys know how to creat good notes for biology and HAMS for like my wall plssss
I can kinda help with Bio but not HaMS cause i'm only doing one-
IN MY OPINION- Make sure you have large and clear diagrams- especially on cell structure and the individual organelles- and ensure that you add some colours so certain more important information can catch your eye. I personally create notes but even on my doc i have really clear diagrams connecting information to them- with some words bigger than the other so you can run over them properly. Even with information that doesn't have diagrams with it- find something that will allow you to combine either a symbol or a visual representation of that topic and the information.
Again, just remember that diagrams are large and clear- don't put everything in one colour so certain things can kinda make you read over them a bit better- and visuals are everything.


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2024
the pale
Hey do you guys know how to creat good notes for biology and HAMS for like my wall plssss
I can kinda help with Bio but not HaMS cause i'm only doing one-
IN MY OPINION- Make sure you have large and clear diagrams- especially on cell structure and the individual organelles- and ensure that you add some colours so certain more important information can catch your eye. I personally create notes but even on my doc i have really clear diagrams connecting information to them- with some words bigger than the other so you can run over them properly. Even with information that doesn't have diagrams with it- find something that will allow you to combine either a symbol or a visual representation of that topic and the information.
Again, just remember that diagrams are large and clear- don't put everything in one colour so certain things can kinda make you read over them a bit better- and visuals are everything.
yeah, i personally do a LOT of different colours!!! do different colours for different topics, like one for enzyme structure, one for animal cell structure, one for plant cell structure, etc. just try not to repeat the same colours where you can see the repeats at the same time. if possible (and more if you're using physical paper notes) have a few different colours of highlighter on hand so that when going over notes again you can switch for every time you broke down a new topic (even if it's more or less part of the same 'larger' group, make note of subgroups so that it's easier to digest info)!!!

if you don't do this already, i also recommend figuring out a sort of shorthand for writing/summarizing notes bc bio is pretty content heavy and you'll probably have a LOT of filler words that can be written faster/shortened with symbols, abbreviations, etc!! just in general cut out words like 'the' and conjunctions in general that aren't necessary to understand the content!! this makes it easier to remember quick pieces of info & facts quicker, at least for me, since it becomes less wordy, like 'this thing is blah blah blah', and almost more like math formulas like 'this = what it is' (and i am good at memorizing those very quickly, it just makes more sense). for example, here's a lot of substitutions i use(d) when taking & rewriting notes for bio (though i no longer have to do this, since i don't do bio anymore):
  • '=' or ':' as a symbol for anything that can be considered as 'this is that', 'this is what it means', 'this is what the concept is/means', etc, and '≠' as 'this isn't that', 'this cannot be/do that', etc, the symbol '∴' as 'as a result', 'therefore', etc
  • 'concen.' as an abbreviation for concentration, 'substr.' for substrate, 'temp.' for temperature. 'alt.' for alternate (adding an 's' after the dot makes it plural, as usual)
  • 'w/' and 'w/o' for 'with' and 'without', 'bc' for because, '&' for 'and', '/' for 'or'
  • ';' for whenever i'm expanding on a really short idea (ex. catalysts never produce more product; produce some amount more quickly)
  • and a lot more things i cannot remember off the top of my head!! even if it isn't all this specifically, having a shorthand you can easily decipher even if you've not used it in a long time is genuinely SO helpful for notetaking ANYTHING
both of these methods make a lot of things much more snappy & dense for both quick reading and being able to stuff as much info as i can into one page, so that when doing quick revisions i have most of my info in the least amount of pages, colour-coded so that i can skim/take in information in short & quick organized groups!! it works pretty well for me, idk if it will for you but hey!!

all of this can be applied for both subject i think?? also sorry for being wordy & yapping lol


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2024
the pale
All good! YAPPING IS SO REAL THOUGH- I've been procrastinating for ages so i haven't been checking either-
Idk if it's just me or i work so much better at 2:00am instead of now?
it's the slowing down of the critical part of your brain and more towards the creative part,,,,,,,,,, at night (or at least once you've hit the point where your brain feels like it should start preparing to sleep) critical thinking slows down, which makes it easier for creativity (though not necessarily productivity) as a result of much less nigh-immediate criticism from your brain moderating your thoughts. this doesn't mean productivity is directly increased, rather bc you aren't constantly evaluating & criticising your work's quality & quantity at each moment, you're much less hesitant to do stuff even if it's stupid or in the morning you'll think it's of bad quality, therefore productivity is less hindered!! it's the reason why if you can more easily write something like an essay or story or poem at night than day!!!! fun fact, this is also the reason why you aren't supposed to immediately trust anything you think about yourself (& other people) past like 8pm!!!! your critical thinking cannot immediately catch & assess your emotional responses, bad ideas and instinctual assumptions about stuff once it gets late, so you're more likely to catastrophize (or even underreact), do stupid things and feel like you hate everyone/yourself (or everyone hates you)!!!!! it's really interesting!!!!!

and once again i have yapped!!! apologies it took so long!!!!


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2024
221B Baker Street
it's the slowing down of the critical part of your brain and more towards the creative part,,,,,,,,,, at night (or at least once you've hit the point where your brain feels like it should start preparing to sleep) critical thinking slows down, which makes it easier for creativity (though not necessarily productivity) as a result of much less nigh-immediate criticism from your brain moderating your thoughts. this doesn't mean productivity is directly increased, rather bc you aren't constantly evaluating & criticising your work's quality & quantity at each moment, you're much less hesitant to do stuff even if it's stupid or in the morning you'll think it's of bad quality, therefore productivity is less hindered!! it's the reason why if you can more easily write something like an essay or story or poem at night than day!!!! fun fact, this is also the reason why you aren't supposed to immediately trust anything you think about yourself (& other people) past like 8pm!!!! your critical thinking cannot immediately catch & assess your emotional responses, bad ideas and instinctual assumptions about stuff once it gets late, so you're more likely to catastrophize (or even underreact), do stupid things and feel like you hate everyone/yourself (or everyone hates you)!!!!! it's really interesting!!!!!

and once again i have yapped!!! apologies it took so long!!!!
WOW that's actually really cool! Where do you get this info from????? It makes so much sense though- but for me the essays i submit that i've done at like 2 got full marked because year 10 was an honest blessing- I'll be sure to set a reminder that whatever i write tonight i have to re-read and make sure isn't stupid tomorrow morning- Thanks for that!


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2024
221B Baker Street
WOW that's actually really cool! Where do you get this info from????? It makes so much sense though- but for me the essays i submit that i've done at like 2 got full marked because year 10 was an honest blessing- I'll be sure to set a reminder that whatever i write tonight i have to re-read and make sure isn't stupid tomorrow morning- Thanks for that!
I did in fact go to bed at 2-


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2024
the pale
WOW that's actually really cool! Where do you get this info from????? It makes so much sense though- but for me the essays i submit that i've done at like 2 got full marked because year 10 was an honest blessing- I'll be sure to set a reminder that whatever i write tonight i have to re-read and make sure isn't stupid tomorrow morning- Thanks for that!
i keep saying sorry for yapping on stuff i can talk about, even though i'm not, but still!! sorry for the incoming yapfest!!

it's both a combination of learning things & sayings from twitter, reddit, etc and seeing if there's any articles backing it up!! this one i feel sums it up the best, even though it's lengthy and uses LOT of technical & science jargon (seeing as it's an actual scientific research paper, though that's what gives a lot of what i'm talking about credibility). it talks about how being awake at late hours affects people's brains, and a lot of the things people say online regarding "you shouldn't trust anything you think about yourself, your friends or (just in general) your entire life past 8pm (or just a certain late point in time (if you're a night owl) once you start getting more emotional, more clumsy/impulsive, etc)" is basically just a really shortened conclusion of the research done into the way late hours (which can be somewhat subjective, so depends on the person) affect executive function, emotional regulation, and a lot of other things that factor into how you think, feel and process things, as well as how you perceive and interact with the world!! though i should also acknowledge that some people DO just find it easier to work at night because of other factors, such as the common saying "revenge bedtime procrastination", which refers to the way that people stay up late past bedtime to regain a sense of freedom during night time. so yeah!! neuroscience is pretty fun to read!!!

also this is a really late reply lol


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