Finished with 30 minutes left and checked as i went along (apart from q16 --> second last question, and the triangle one)
Went back and checked q1-q16 thoroughly and found some mistakes and fixed them...and i answered the triangle question.
Had 5 minutes left to prove that volume of a cone shit. Spent 4 minutes doing anything i could and with 1 MINUTE LEFT i FIGURE OUT HOW TO DO IT (i had that "ahaaa! moment")....got halfway through doing it and then time ran out

. So i'll probably only get 1/3 for that question. The very last question wasn't too hard, got that out in the end --> although it was pretty messy i had to fix some parts after i got the answer.
That triangle question part B, i think i stuffed up 1 mark, so i'll only get 1/2.
Overall, should get 97 or 98/100 if NO OTHER MISTAKES ---> but there are bound to be a few sillies somewhere.
will probably end up with 95 or 96 raw.
Oh well. What can i do