First witnesses, Firefighters and First Responders reported hearing sounds similar to a controlled demolition prior to the collision. Also puffs of smoke were seen from the building prior to the attacks.
Also,nothing here is a conspiracy. It's fact. 1/3 Americans (33.333...%) believe that 9/11 was an inside job. Actors such as Charlie Sheen have also questioned what really happened.
But hey, they must all be conspiracy theorists.
That's not replying to what shinji said. Shinji pointed out fairly, that planes crashing into the WTC buildings was unprecedented, hugely shocking and definetly would have been sufficient pretext for war. Do you think the American people would have been "lol terrorist attacks, many killed, buildings damaged, but the WTC is still standing so no worries Al-Qaeda

There is no reason to rig the buildings for demolition. Rigging the buildings for demolition makes the whole plan many times more complicated, so complicated it would be virtually impossible to do without detection, and for what reason?
If you're going to pull off a convoluted false-flag attack, you'd make it as simple as possible hey?
Firefighters and first responders aren't experts on what a building collapsing after being hit by a jet should sound like. 34% of Americans reportedly believe in UFOs. Do you accept the truth the government is hiding about UFOs? Americans are insane, we know this, public opinion is not at all evidence. Charlie Sheen's opinion is not evidence. Charlie sheen is not a respected leader in engineering.