ACA is the less of the two evils. ACA seems to run more cross promotion and celebrity puff pieces than TT, while Today Tonight seems more intent on ramming the message that shonky Lebanese builders who are rorting the tax system by making kids fat who build footpaths will give you cancer.
I've been flicking between the two lately, particularly since ACA has been nothing but Entertainment Tonight and it seems that TT have been running a few Neighbours From Hell stories and making overstatements that are quite extreme. One overstatement that springs to mind is when the reporter compared a canvas barrier because the neighbour was spying on them as the Berlin Wall. Poor neighbours, having to deal with the possibility that they could be shot for approaching some canvas. Then last night, there was a story that labelled a fencing dispute "like Gaza". Aaah, if only What have we learned from Current Affairs this Week was a regular show or Youtube series. The lessons will never stop.