You've seriously missed the point here, kid. The tradeoff in and of itself is that of expressing oneself freely "All niggers are faggots" and accepting social ostracision from the aforementioned 'niggers', 'faggots' and their 'sympathisers'. Or limiting one's freedom of speech "I have heard on occasion that african-aboriginal-merkin-blacktypes are engaging in homosexual-queer behaviour, how unsubstantiated and utterly culturally devoid!" and having a giant words orgy with the aformentioned 'niggers', 'faggots' and their 'sympathisers'.
As such, I think it's highly moronic of you to suggest limitations on freedom of speech on the grounds of insulting or offending people as given 20 years ago your sexuality would have been considered an abhorrent abomination and the discussion of it would have gone against every moral precept and concept in that time.
Consciousness-raising and social-modifications, all tools and systems used by compelling speech.
What you've learned today is a valuable lesson; don't judge a group of people by what they say because you'll end up looking like a right idiot because you are, in essence, looking to pick a fight. Were you truly this mature and progressive individual you would have ignored the trolling and carried on, realising that it was just trolling.
Instead you took up a form of righteous indignation and were essentially a tool for amusement, a silly little toy for a group of maladjusted men. Pretty much... everything you are against.
Rage against the machine, kid. It works oh so well.