u could also add to changing social values some stuff about the recent changes in family law- 2006. The markers notes say that the best responses integrate recent LCMD. so u could mention the presumption of shared care parenting, compulsary mediation for separating couples, new onus for victims of domestic violence that a fear of violence was reasonable.
I dunno- an interesting point u could make if we got a question on law reform is that the shared care parenting bit is an example of the law attempting to change values of society (should be other way around)- because something like over 95% of children (of marriage breakups) are not in shared care.
the legal consequences and responsibility of marriage- thats the first bit of the syllabus isn't it???
so we could talk about mutual duties of husband and wife, property, maintenence, wills etc?
theres so much to study- i use to be so good at remembering things. i could get like best marks ever in year 9 and 10 in everything cos i could remember stuff easily. its just the effects of old age i suppose. lol