About your ATAR
I feel like I should say that the hsc is NOT everything, same goes with the Atar. I know there are many students out there who are dreading about their ATAR and HSC marks.
In a way the HSC is kind of like the classic story of the "The Tortoise and the Hare", the ones that did do good in the HSC would be the "Hare" and the ones that did not do so good are the "Turtoise". The "Hare" may have reached uni first and have gotten an internship first, but the "Turtoise" may only be going to TAFE or still be in the process of transferring universities. What I am trying to say is that it isn't the end of life or the future as high achievers (or asian parents) put it, but it temporarily delays options. It may slow you down, but you have to keep running and not stop with the mindset of.... "Oh no, I didn't get 95 or 90 atar.......there goes my future". Tertiary education does give second chances (transferring from TAFE TO UNI/UNI TO UNI) , as my school mentor once said, "You need to go catch the ball, not wait for the ball to come to you".
*The ATAR is only a measure of your performance over the last two years of high school, and not of your future successes.
About UNI
Many 2013ers have been told that university is vital for success in the job market (my parents certainly told me this). A degree in WHATEVER is only a piece of paper, and does not necessarily equal a job despite what society drills into today's young minds. A university graduate may have a uni degree, but they may not have years of experience, skills and knowledge that someone who a) went to TAFE or b) Just worked for many years. To conclude, what is important for success in the job market is:
P.S. Some corporations do require a masters or honors, e.g. the reserve bank of AUstralia.
Good luck everyone
I feel like I should say that the hsc is NOT everything, same goes with the Atar. I know there are many students out there who are dreading about their ATAR and HSC marks.
In a way the HSC is kind of like the classic story of the "The Tortoise and the Hare", the ones that did do good in the HSC would be the "Hare" and the ones that did not do so good are the "Turtoise". The "Hare" may have reached uni first and have gotten an internship first, but the "Turtoise" may only be going to TAFE or still be in the process of transferring universities. What I am trying to say is that it isn't the end of life or the future as high achievers (or asian parents) put it, but it temporarily delays options. It may slow you down, but you have to keep running and not stop with the mindset of.... "Oh no, I didn't get 95 or 90 atar.......there goes my future". Tertiary education does give second chances (transferring from TAFE TO UNI/UNI TO UNI) , as my school mentor once said, "You need to go catch the ball, not wait for the ball to come to you".
*The ATAR is only a measure of your performance over the last two years of high school, and not of your future successes.
About UNI
Many 2013ers have been told that university is vital for success in the job market (my parents certainly told me this). A degree in WHATEVER is only a piece of paper, and does not necessarily equal a job despite what society drills into today's young minds. A university graduate may have a uni degree, but they may not have years of experience, skills and knowledge that someone who a) went to TAFE or b) Just worked for many years. To conclude, what is important for success in the job market is:
- Experience
- Skills
- Self motivation
- Positive attitudes
- Self drive
P.S. Some corporations do require a masters or honors, e.g. the reserve bank of AUstralia.
Good luck everyone
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