There is nothing about either selfishness or sexual desire that is necessarily immoral. As for violence I don't think we can all agree that it is a tendency inherent in humans (that claim is particularly questionable as it applies to women). Religious adherents always seem to assume the worse about human morality separate from a supernatural force to provide an incentive to behave, which certainly says a lot about the kind of people they would be if they didn't have a spiritual babysitter keeping them in line.
I believe that it is the strictly religious who are truly lacking a foundation for morality. Taking a set of predetermined rules and accepting them as absolute, as opposed to a pragmatic, evidence-based approach to morality, is a very limited and potentially dangerous way of structuring your views.
Are you telling me that the deeds that sexual desire and selfishness lead too aren't immoral. Rape, paedophilia, subjugation of women, theft, war over land and resources, the gap between rich and poor... need I go on?
And why women aren't as violent, they do commit violent acts. Such as murder...
Even If there wasn't religion, I still think you would have to look at human nature and see that while we have a capacity for immense good, If we are not told that things are wrong, our default position is "it feels good, therefore I'll do it"...
Sadly "religion" has a lot to answer for in terms of Morality. Any true Christian hates religion... It was the religous people who killed Jesus. Jesus went to the Prostitues, the tax collectors (traitors who stole from their fellow citizens to fund their oppressors), the broken people and said "You're sinners..." and they said "Yea I am... save me"
Then he went to the religious people... The ones who had it all together, who followed all the rules and said "You're sinners..." and they said "fuck you... why would you eat and talk with THOSE people! We don't have sex outside of marriage, we don't steal, we don't kill people... So we don't like you very much... so we're gunna kill you"
Religion vs. Redemption is one of the biggest problems in the Christian church. Religion is making a list of rules... "you have to do these 10 things to get into Heaven".. Redemption is Jesus saying on the cross "It is finished"... and it's all been done for us... so yea.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure that there is a direct quote in the Deuteronomy telling people to stone gays, and one in Leviticus about eye-gouging... I'll look it up in my NIV later.
People can indeed be selfish, violent and horny. But they can also be the polar opposite of those things (except horny). Whose to say that humans are inherently good or evil, since we can clearly see that they have tendencies to be both?
I'm not sure of my opinion on this topic, but Christianity seems to be contradictory on the topic of human nature. They say that humans are evil, but then claim that we derive our modern ethics from God, which suggests that we are inherently good as well (since God has given us morals).
Yea I know there are direct quotes in Deuteronomy and Leviticus. My point being that Jesus' sacrifice being the event that made attempting to follow the law unneccesary. The Laws themselves were impossible to follow. How can you love your neighbour as yourself if you kill him for wearing clothes of different weave... They are impossible... and that is the point. No one is good enough for Gods law...
I don't think humans are inherently evil OR good. I think we have a tendency to do what makes us feel good. Whether good or bad...
Christians believe that humans are sinful... not evil. Hitler was evil... people who create and distribute child pornography are evil. Humans are capable of this... but that's not what we are. We just aren't perfect... and yea... I can't be stuffed thinking about wording it all anymore... dinnertime