I was just talking about the using your arm to write instead of your hand, like in the video which was attached somewhere on this forum.
I think by this stage it's probably quickest to write how you've learnt, there isn't much point completely changing styles now, particularly for those who are doing the HSC in two weeks
The way I hold my pen is actually demented.
Lemme try explaining in so...
The pen rests on my 2 bottom fingers (the pinky and the other one), my middle fingertip pressed down hard and makes a hook shape, my index finger's distal phalange is completely pressed down on the pen, behind the middle finger and the side of my thumb is on the side of the pen. (Yup

My kindergarten teacher was on smth because it really looks demented oh and bcs of the way I hold it, I'm forced to hold the pen really hard, increasing pressure to my fingers and wrist.