slowdanceee said:
oh okayy!

haha i don't like english. it's like my weakest subject as well, so i picked adv the in initial subject survery thing.
thanks for the advice!
EE1 is awesome. Anyone who says otherwise is ...they're either lazy or ignorant (oh damn massive generalisation, that ain't going to score me any brownie points

) Anyhow, I do ENGAD and EE1. Love them both, it was great to read Harper Lee's
To Kill a Mockingbird at the beginning of the year, because I'd read it in Yr 9 and now that I've read it again I picked up a whole lot of stuff I did not realise/notice before.
EE1 is very rewarding too, as you get to read lots of classics, as well as see appropriations of ideas and concepts from books in movies. The classics are really good,
Sense and Sensibility was much better than expected - but don't be alarmed, there are much better books you get to read in Preliminary English Extension. I think we might get to do George Orwell soon, but I'm not sure. Oh and the teacher gave us an assignment on Charles's Dickens
A Tale of Two Cities, which was just excellent. I loved the ending - wonderful. Oh and then there was the assignment where we read a classic of our choice and completed an essay on it, again - very good (I chose Anna Sewell's
Black Beauty, which was just amazing.
Sorry to rave, but as you can see - I really enjoy English (Advanced) and English (Extension 1). I suppose my ranks reflect that. At the end of the day, it's up to you and your personal interests - you said it's a weak subject for you, well maybe you could change that if

knocked all your negative thoughts to ruined shards like broken toffee and decided to take it to improve your skills. You never know - you might enjoy it!
Wow. Longest. Post. Ever. - Rico