Wow, that sucks!
I've always heard that the school can't really stop you from doing a subject you want (from both teachers and students) but even if that is true, the school always seems to have their way. For example, at my school, 3/4 of the school chose advanced over standard (we have 200~ in our grade) and in the end, only about 70 got into advanced and the rest in standard. A lot of people complained about this and went to see the faculty head teacher but they were pretty much reluctant in moving anyone up. At the end of year 11, the teachers were convincing some students to move down, and then around 20 students dropped down to standard.
In the end, even if the school isn't allowed to completely stop you, they will persuade you (to death) until you abide to their wishes. If you think English was bad, you should've seen what happened for Maths... LOL
Oh and regarding having no classes at all, this may be irrelevant but: I heard the grade under us had a Japanese class that had around 10 students who wanted it to be run but the principal didn't allow it despite all the complaints and students getting their parents to come in and see the principal. I heard some even cried. LOL I'm sure it would've worked if there were more than 10 people though, since that isn't enough to run a class in the first place.
If you really badly want it... Maybe you could try to get some people, including yourself, to get their parents to go see the principal about this issue? Tell your parents to strongly emphasize that the situation is unfair and that a lot of people in the grade wants to do Advanced. (Maybe you could result to crying...? As last resort. haha) If I remember correctly, a teacher I had used to tell me: The principal/teachers find it easy to say no to a student but significantly harder to say no to a student's parents. Tip: Go prepared, think of what to say if the principal says 'it's what's best for your child..' Etc and make sure your parents know what to say.
But, in the end, it doesn't kill you to be in Standard (I don't recommend it though cause it lowers your ATAR unless you do really well). Just try very hard if you don't get a go at Advanced and you can always make up for it through other subjects. If it makes you feel any better, there was someone who got 99.95 ATAR and she did ESL (not from a selective school).
Good luck and don't give up!