^Spi, once I get back from science camp, I need to beast for a week to catch up. I haven't really done any English extension stuff in the hols, and only a little for my other subjects. (adv eng(MUST finish assignment arggggh), math(practised superannuation and time payments), bio, chem and modern, all working on my neglected 1st module summaries, VERY little for Modern)
On the plus side, I have my methods book complete up to date to what we've done so far, and my formula flashcards up to date. Although, I think my school is behind on topics (we've only done two complete HSC topics, and there are 9 right going off my excel guide). I'm pretty sure the next one we're doing is Logs, so I looked a lil at that just to get the gist. May learn the log laws so I can be a lil ahead of the others.
I think this is the first year of my life, I haven't been behind in math

Your maths dedication inspires me. Aw, envy for my English marks, it is my best subject. Remember I'm always happy to look over your stuff, you help me so much with math! It's nice to be sitting on 100% for both Adv Eng and Ext 2 atm (we haven't done Ex1 task yet). Too bad those are very small tasks and I will gradually knock percentages down.