haha i really didn't think i needed an explanation why you are an idiot, but if i must...
katie_tully said:
sydney morning herald - what a great newspaper. reliable, unbiased. wow, you really have started with a credible source
I hate the Catholic church for many reasons,
apart from this, what are the other reasons?
but I think the gross misconduct of its clergy is the biggest reason.
should read "the gross misconduct on the part of a minority of its clergy**. sweeping generalisations and stereotypes, ahoy!
Nobody can tell me these are isolated incidents and only a small number of priests and clerrgymen molest children,
unfortunately for you, this is actually the case. put down the number of clergymen in the church and the number of abuse cases proved. then match up, and see how the numbers stack up. until this happens in every chuch, its not widespread.
can't swallow the truth that your opinion is misguided and ignorant? fine
proof plz? o wait, ur opinion is infalliable. k.
and the fact the Church tries to cover it up
yes, im sure these peadophiles are hiding in st peters basillica. old benedict himself has some hiding out in this closet. *rolls eyes*
FYI, the church as a whole (from the pope, the only real representative of the church as an insitution have condemned this action, ex communicating any clergy found guilty of wrong doing.
yes, how terrible is it of an business like the catholic church wanting to protect its own and keep some good PR in this day and age. they are bad bad men.
god forbid the institution that civillised most of the known world and is the corner stone of our western society, descended from jesus himself, should offend you.
theres that infalliable opinion again.
it's totally unnatural for a human being to abstain from any sexual activity for the duration of their lifetime.
ur scientific degree plz? o wait, just the opinion thing again. m'bad.
Is this what compells them to be paedophiles?
yes, i'm sure that by EVERY priest taking what he considers to be a moral obstination from an act in his lifetime is what compells these few to be scumbags.
PS im a commited athiest, but your original thread was just a biased, ignorant hatred filled attack with little evidence to back it up. they ARE isolated incidents, just face it. you also fail to take into account the great amount of charity work the catholic church does. i think very little of organised religion as whole, and yes, sure, the catholic church in general has done some terrible, terrible things, but it also gives millions of people hope, care and a reason to live. its saved the lives of thousands. to hate it simply cus u think preists touch little boys? rather narrow minded of you, I THINK.