I understand how all of you are crazily against repeating year 12.But it's not the procrastination, there were some major family crisis where I had to go overseas RIGHT after my mid-term exams (so I had to do some important ones like M3U and chem etc before the actual date, and it was all emergency)!So i AM going to repeat, and I know I have got the motivation and I CAN put up with one more year of this nightmare (not really if I change schools tho)!So the problem is with HSC just 3 dayz, 13 hours and 27 minz away..What's the best option:1) Change high schools: I stuffed up my trialz so the report is not really good, however I do have very good assessment marks, mostly A's. Do you think I could get into a private high school?2) Tafe sounds like a horrible nightmare (no offense to ANYONE), but i don't know why. However if it's the only option I have, then I'll go for it
But I dont noe anyone who managed to pull off more then > 90 ATAR and goes to a Tafe? Do you? And let's say I perform exceptionally well, and I WILL put in the effort, would it scale me down? I mean when we apply for undergraduate course at uni, are their certain uni's that DONT accept applicants from Tafe (Im only worried about UNSW or USyd?)3) I have heard of OTEN (distance education, and yeah im pretty good at self-learning), does anyone know anything about this and how it works? Like are there certain uni's you can apply to for an undergraduate course? And is there a limited ATAR even if you put in all your effort?4) You tell me? Any other private/public college I can go to?And if I wait till I finish my HSC, it will be too late! I don't want to sit the HSC anyway cuz im pretty damn sure about repeating!Any experience? Please I NEEED help!"You get out what you put in"
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