If you want to remember concepts permanently you have to use them. Chat about them with people, apply them frequently and generally try to make it part of your general knowledge base. If you get bored on public transport (I used to travel 3 hours a day between school and home, ick) run through it in your head without your notes in front of you and identify where your memory lapses. Then you can work out how to link those bits of information together.
This worked great in Modern. If the dates and events and overarching narrative are general knowledge to you then you have so so so much more time to work on the analysis and historiography (and if you don't have to cram facts you have more short term memory space left for historians' quotes lol).
I'm about 40% visual, 40% auditory and 10% kinesthetic in learning style and developing a system which catered to multiple styles at once was very helpful for me. Eg listening to recordings of essays or notes while walking around somewhere like a basketball court (don't go for a beach walk if you're doing this because you won't pay any attention to the recordings D
. Really recommend you try to work out what your learning style is because even if the results are mixed you still get an idea of the kinds of things you might benefit from trying.
This worked great in Modern. If the dates and events and overarching narrative are general knowledge to you then you have so so so much more time to work on the analysis and historiography (and if you don't have to cram facts you have more short term memory space left for historians' quotes lol).
I'm about 40% visual, 40% auditory and 10% kinesthetic in learning style and developing a system which catered to multiple styles at once was very helpful for me. Eg listening to recordings of essays or notes while walking around somewhere like a basketball court (don't go for a beach walk if you're doing this because you won't pay any attention to the recordings D