Haha, I'm so superstitious when it comes to exams...so are all my friends
1. BREAK A PENCIL - this is the most important thing, and that is just before the first exam of an exam period, we get a pencil, snap it in two, and each hold it for luck, before nominating the two people who need the luck the most to get it for the first exam (usually English or maths or something, with the whole year group), and then yeah...
2. LUCKY CHARMS - these are all mine, and are stored in my pencilcase in a special lucky-compartment. I distribute them to anyone who needs them for exams...
- two blue dice
- bits of copper pieces enclosed in sticky tape
- blue button
- many other things... but I just realised I left my pencilcase on the bus

so can't check
3. SEATING - although sometimes when we're in the hall for exams they make us sit in alphabetical order, which is very silly... I always try to be at the very back, front or end of a row, and my friends sit in a line/row in specific orders depending on the subject to make luck flow around the most - it's best if the two outside spots are occupied by the luckiest people to enclose the luck, you see...
So far all of it has worked pretty well for us