Maybe its just me...but looking at the first paragraph alone:
Texts embody paradigms corresponding to their social, economic and historical contexts. The capacity of thematic concepts to transcend time is manifest within Mary Shelley’s 19th century gothic novel Frankenstein (1818) and Ridley Scott’s science fiction film Blade Runner (1992) as both pose similar existentialist discourses regarding the fate of humanity. As a Romanticist, Shelley condemns humanity’s intrusive assumption as creator. Similarly, Scott responds to Shelley warning by also spurning man’s ruthless ambition. However, the film’s 20th century context of capitalist greed and mass industrialisation shifts the criticism onto the pursuit of commercial dominance. Both texts employ techniques such as allusions and characterisation to depict similar dystopian visions ensuing from man’s dereliction of nature.
To me, the bolded words just seem wrong or misused. Here's my attempt...
Texts from a specific context provide new paradigms corresponding to their social, economic and historical framework. The capacity of thematic concepts to transcend time is manifested within Mary Shelley’s 19th century gothic novel Frankenstein (1818) and Ridley Scott’s science fiction film Blade Runner (1992) as both are existentialist discourses regarding the fate of humanity. As a Romanticist, Shelley condemns humanity’s transcendence of God. Similarly, Scott responds to Shelley warning by also spurning man’s ruthless ambition. However, the film’s 20th century critique ofcapitalist greed and mass industrialisation shifts the criticism to the pursuit of commercial dominance. Both texts employ techniques such as allusions and characterisation to depict similar dystopian visions ensuing from man’s neglect of nature.
I admit that I was quite rude, which I apologise for. But above I have rewritten your paragraph, trying to correct any errors that I noticed....I would love to hear your opinion. Once again I apologise (i'm pretty stressed about the exams...yesterday I spend 40minutes yelling at my cat for shedding its fur :/ ).