That's interesting. Do you realise that here, you represent the BOS and your school? Be a little more professional, don't bitch about your employers behind a screen of anonymity.
I don't think I've ever heard a teacher say that. If you're capable, you should be able to get a job. You really shouldn't be teaching kids if you're not content in your occupation.
Shape the future of the nation? What are you, a facist?
For someone that has supposed to have done a teaching degree, you don't seem to know much about the modern system. Very few unis in NSW don't have primary/secondary separation in their degrees. Many unis (Macquarie, Sydney, UNSW) have three separations of specialisations -- early childhood, primary, secondary.
You're a marker in Modern History for the HSC, and you not only originally planned to teach in primary education, but was were still teaching it at the age of 30...? You obviously didn't go back to uni (to learn the subject matter that you need to be able to even come near HSC marking...), because you don't know about the system. Yet you were still abel to mark it in the HSC?
You're saying that the BOS hired a trained and experienced primary teacher, who hadn't formally studied the content in over 13 years?