English Advanced:
Make sure you are up to scratch with creative writing....
HEre are the assessments at my school
Task 1: creative writing + reflection--> 30%. Make sure you are up to scratch with creative writing.... I know creatives shouldn't be worth this much so be careful with this task. Make sure you manipulate form and use as much techniques as possible
Task 2: Multimodal presentation+ reflection+ script. 40%. Make sure you critically analyse the texts not just say Shakespeare is successful. In fact DO NOT SAY IT AT ALL. Shakespeare manipulates or shakespeare elevates is more sophisticated. Make sure you have evidence and quotes and film techniques. Make sure when you analyse quotes, explain the technique and why the composer has used it! DO NOT EXPLAIN RETELL.
Here I give u an example from Romeo and Juliet. "She is as beautiful as the sun."
DO: Shakespeare employs simile to expose the patriachal commodification of the female sexuality where......
DON"t: Shakespeare employs simile to highlight how beautiful Juliet is
Task 3: Yearly. Creative+ Reflection+ Critical Essay.