YES! I absolutely hate Physics - well only at school. My teacher always comes to class late between 5-30 mins late EVERY lesson. The earliest she's ever been is 3 minutes after the whole class was waiting there (not straight after the bell rung). She talks about random things in class either not related to physics, about her life story or not on the syllabus. Some of the things not on the syllabus are okay though.
She has no excuse because she was horrible last year as well (I had her for yr 10) - she made me hate chemistry! If I say more it would probably identify my school lol. but anyways.
I do NOT like having to do studies of religion 1 unit, it's compulsory at my school and we learn like nothing. It's so confusing - even though I used to always do well in religion in junior years. It sucksss (hopefully it's not counted).
I also struggle in Ext Maths in areas of trig and stuff. Some areas I'm fine with, but some I'm not. I don't understand simple concepts like indices and trig relations or even remember my exact values due to me hardly ever doing homework.

Not happy about Physics, dropping it is not really an option as I have 12 units and have been doing tutoring for it anddd I can't believe I didn't choose Chemistry even though in junior years I was quite good at it. The Physics teacher I have now made me hate it and that's why I didn't even consider doing it in yr 11 + 12. Which was a stupid choice as she doesn't even teach Chem...yet she's the only teacher for Physics.
Don't get me wrong though I love Physics - it's quite easy and INTERESTING. But even if I study from textbooks, workbooks do exercises etc. to catch up it takes time away from other subjects and I get in trouble for it - or I I did in English a few days ago.
Ahhhhhhh. Is anyone else dealing with really bad teachers and your school won't do anything about it even if you tried to complain? The difference with this teacher and other bad teachers, is, she isn't teaching us badly...she's not teaching us at all! Or worse, she teaches us the wrong thing for a whole lesson then comes back and corrects it the next.
She's nice though.