AOS, English Advanced and Extension 1 English Tutoring (1 Viewer)


Apr 7, 2011
To: Year 12, 2013 cohort.

Hey guys,
I have decided to commence official tutoring and online marking/editing services.

Here are the following subjects for which I will be tutoring:
1. Area of Study English (Both Standard and Advanced)
2. Advanced English)
3. Extension 1 English (Module A, maybe Module B)

I will provide the following resources to supplement your understanding for each module/elective

AREA OF STUDY (The Simple Gift - I can tutor other texts as well)
-Generic Belonging notes
-ESSAY scaffolds
-ESSAY plans, with detailed textual references and features
-Generic notes on the complexities and paradoxical nature of belonging and not belonging
-ESSAY of The Simple Gift, What's Eating Gilbert Grape and For One More Day (This essay was drafted, re-drafted and refined multiple times, and was marked by tutors and a HSC marker - It received a mark of 15/15)
-CREATIVE Writing 1 - Symbolic motif of a compass and time
-CREATIVE writing 2 - incorporates theorists and complex concepts (Both creative pieces received a mark of 13-15/15)

Advanced English:

Module A: Comparative Study of Texts and Contexts (Texts in Time: Frankenstein and Blade Runner)
- Essay plans, with detailed textual reference and features
- Generic notes of the contextual influences of Frankenstein and Blade Runner
- Notes with generic phrases for comparison, with detailed textual references, features and critics.
- 2 Essays on Frankenstein/Blade Runner - Comparative Study (Both essays were drafted and refined multiple times, and were marked by Tutors and a HSC marker - Mark: 19-20/20)
- Other notes pertinent to a contextualised analysis of both texts
- Essay scaffolds to aid in moulding to an array of plausible questions
-Lessons plans and booklets for each text (6 each)

Module B: Critical Study of Texts (Speeches - I can also tutor other texts as well)
- Essay plans, with detailed textual references, features and critics
- Generic notes regarding the contextual information of EACH speech
- Generic notes of speeches: Atwood, Sadat, Suu Kyi
- Tabulated essay plan for Suu Kyi and Atwood (Theme: the female condition)
-Essay scaffold
- ESSAY on Atwood, Suu Kyi and Sadat (This critical response was drafted and refined multiple times, and marked by Tutors and a HSC marker. It received a mark of 20/20)
-Other notes relevant to the critical study of Texts
- Sample essays and booklets from TSFX

Module C: Representation and Text (Julius Caesar - I can also tutor "Justice Game")
- Generic notes on the concept of Representation - Critics and theories, which will aid you in a grasping a holistic understanding of the module
-Notes on Contextual influences for Julius Caesar
-Generic phrases for Conflicting Perspective Essays
TSFX booklets
-Tabulated notes and ESSAY plans, with detailed textual references and features
- ESSAY of Julius Caesar and 2 RELATED TEXTS - (Ozymandias by Percy Shelley and Kurosawa's Rashomon) - This essay was drafted and refined multiple times, and marked by Tutors and a HSC marker - received a mark of 20/20)
- Lessons plans and booklets for Julius Caesar - (6 booklets)

EXTENSION 1 ENGLISH - Crime Writing (Module A)
- Generic notes (9, 800 words) regarding Genre Studies, Crime writing and ALL TEXTS
-Tabulated essay plan for Critical Response - 2 RELATED TEXTS (Unique and arduous related texts, which are rarely attempted - Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoyevsky and Umberto Eco's "The Name of the Rose")
- Folder with numerous notes covering Genre Studies and Crime Writing
- University of Sydney Postmodern theories and Crime Writing booklets/lectures
- Notes on EACH text, with detailed textual reference and features
- ESSAY plan, with DETAILED textual references, features and theorists - (2,900 words)
- ESSAY of TWO prescribed texts (Rear Window, Anil's Ghost) and TWO related texts - This essay was drafted and refined MULTIPLE times throughout HSC, and was marked by Tutors and HSC markers - received a mark of 24-25/25)
- Imaginative Writign scaffold
- Imaginative ideas
-Unique Crime Writing imaginative piece, which draws upon ideologies of Romanticism and facets of humanity's repressed desires (Drafted and refined many times, and was marked tutors and HSC markers - received an initial mark of 23/25. However, upon re-drafting and editing, it received a mark of 25/25)

I have had experience editing and providing inputs for assessment tasks of students from your cohort from this forum, and they have all attained high A range to low A range marks:)
The feedback I get is positive and inspires me to work even harder for aiding your cohort.
Most importantly, as a tutor, I will try my best to nurture your skills, through hard work, efficiency and constant support, as I love aiding hard working students to reach their true potential..

Price: $35 per/hour, or we can negotiate a price :)
Location: Parramatta area, Parramatta or Blacktown library.
If you are interested, please contact me on or DM me.

Thank you.
(If this thread contains any typing errors or incorrect information, I am sorry and will try to rectify it)

Spiritual Being

Jan 10, 2012
Sydney, Australia
Uni Grad
Sanjoy is an amazing tutor. He transforms you as a student and makes you LOVE English!

Recommended to everyone!


Apr 7, 2011
Forgot to mention this - If you email me, I will provide you extracts from my critical responses :)

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