Arabic media Watch Centre in Australia. (1 Viewer)

Mar 21, 2004
Northernmost Moonforests of the North
Serius said:
it will depend very much on how its handled
but you make a valid point with the chinese thing so i got an idea,
how about to avoid people thinking it will be an issue because its arabs, and also turn down the argument about it being arabs just looking out for themselves
how about just create a media watchdog that watches out for all kinds of racism/ descrimination, not just that imoposed on arabs
so like a big watchdog organisation where people of the community give tipoffs or send things in when they feel that a particular cultural group is being targeted or descriminated against, that way white people, or as u said the chinese wont feel excluded as they will now be infact protected by this organisation
Yeah that's an excellent way of doing it, that's sort of what I was getting at earlier, but you've put it much better. That way nobody would have an excuse for feeling left out, and presumably that way everyone's rights to fair portrayal by the media would be guaranteed :)

mr EaZy

Active Member
May 28, 2004
punchbowl bro- its the best place to live !
i have stated my opinion before : that this media centre would be a good idea

1) provides a voice to people who see themselves and their communities as targets of opportunity
2) it exposes people willing to fabricate facts about other cultures or fabricate/exaggerate events associated (rightly or wrongly) with a particular community.

but now as i see it: we already have an abc programme called media watch hosted by David MArr of the Syd morn herald. (a v.short 15 min? prog)

there was this event where a female reporter was talking about gang rapes in the leb/arab community. She quoted from a psycologist about these guys doing it just coz their community encourages them so and this is seen clearly in many european communities.

the whole story was a load of trash to anyone who understands the arab community.
What MEdia watch did was contact this psychologist and have him explain the quotes.
this is what was found:
-some quotes were taken out of context
-some quotes were made UP@@!!!

next media watch contacted the newspaper co.and the reporter. The reporter did not respond......... The co. just defended her and stuff..

mr EaZy

Active Member
May 28, 2004
punchbowl bro- its the best place to live !
another one was when john laws was talkin about these arabs creating pool sessions for arab girls at the exclusion of all other boys/girls/adults in the community
- some rev head got angry he was rejected from the pools (community pool) and told john about it.

media watch contacted the pool managers who said:
the pool session was available to all females in the community and this was brought into place a limited times a week at the request of non -arab females in the community.

mr EaZy

Active Member
May 28, 2004
punchbowl bro- its the best place to live !
AS far as im concerned, watching the news, talk bACK on the air waves is like watching/listening to top level gossip :)

be ur own judge,
i dont know anything about this arab media centre thing (never heard of it), but see how objective ur own mind can be when u urself are willing to be fair and just.
i never believed the children overboard affair :) even though i never spoke out about it :(

u dont have to! at the end of the day, u must decide whether it was really u who decided what u believe in or was it some overpaid, slouch trying to manipulate the minds of millions of people with gossip that has or has not any factual basis!!!!!!!!

u be the adjudicator! read the facts and judge them! sometimes ur enemy can be an ally or a friend can be a foe.

but when u judge or learn to judge things like this in the media,
then u will become the best judge ever to have ever made decisions in his or her life.

-now let us change this world :)

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