Re: Are there a lot of different ways for the production of ethanol as alternative fu
There are many ways of producing ethanol.
The main ones specified in the syllabus are:
- fermentation of dilute glucose (aqueous) solution by yeast in 35 degrees celsius, anaerobic conditions etc to great an ethanol-water mixture (you should mention that fractional distillation is used to obtain near-pure ethanol in your answer)
- hydration of ethylene with dilute acid (such as dilute sulphuric acid) and temperatures of 170 degrees celsius
There's a 3rd one that is partly beyond the scope of the syllabus: getting cellulose or starch and put it through the process of acid hydrolysis (energy intensive, not needed in detail for HSC, but good idea to be aware of this process) to turn it into glucose, then fermenting that glucose using the conditions above ^
Which one is more correct, depends in part on the question being asked.
However, the main of the main method of producing ethanol would be fermentation. Hydration should also be acceptable (check with your school), but it isn't renewable like fermentation.
Hope this helps! Good luck with your studies!