book antiqua looks like Times quite a bit, i need something that looks nice, teacher is a complete nerd, teaches IPT if this is relevant
One of things you do, is reformat your notes. I have reformatted my Japanese notes like 10 times, and it finally works and looks quite nice, provided I finish it.
Arial is terrible sorry, so is Times New Romans.
Calibri would be ok, except your teachers hate it.
Kristen ITC is good for headings or big text.
Verdana is very good, provided it is about font-size 10.5 or 11
Segoe UI > Candara
If you want to stand out, use a font like Segoe UI, and coloured headings (change the theme from Office 2010, to something else, like Fancy but without the italics) or use Kristen ITC for headings. (I use it for cover pages)
I USE Segoe UI for body (font size 10, 10.5 or 11), Century Gothic for headings, (Meiryo UI for Asian text - if doing Japanese which you aren't)
I use Cambria for mathematical text and physics formulae (not chemical equations though).
I can send you templates if you want, and colour code them.
Just specify your subjects and then specify your colours
It looks quite nice, and you can colour code it depending on the subject It also has styles specific for example Physics, I use two different coloured headings, one for theory dotpoints and a different colour for practical dotpoints
(colour 1: fill colour, a lighter or the same as colour 2 which is the main colour
colour 2: main colour, used for highlighting text, the colour for the subject
colour 3: secondary colour for headings
colour 4: heading used to emphasise key words and definitions
colour 5: main colour for headings
colour 6: extra colour
EDIT: Template has been uploaded in next reply.
You can also download my English notes here for a different sample: