I got my report today and I'm feeling pretty worried that I won't get the mark that I want to get considering the ranks that I've seen in this subforum. I'm also worried that my Extension English ranks will drag me down, even though the marks range from 75-85%. These are my ranks:
English Advanced - 23/75
English Extension 1 - 14/19
English Extension 2 - 11/12
Mathematics - 8/26
Biology - 4/34
Chemistry - 9/20
Physics - 7/24
Trial results (mark - rank):
English Advanced: 80/100 - 12/75
English Extension 1: 43/50 - 8/19
Mathematics: 65/100 - 8/26
Biology: 90/100 - 3/34
Chemistry: 66/100 - 8/21
Physics: 76/100 - 6/24
School rank - 154-155
English Advanced - 23/75
English Extension 1 - 14/19
English Extension 2 - 11/12
Mathematics - 8/26
Biology - 4/34
Chemistry - 9/20
Physics - 7/24
Trial results (mark - rank):
English Advanced: 80/100 - 12/75
English Extension 1: 43/50 - 8/19
Mathematics: 65/100 - 8/26
Biology: 90/100 - 3/34
Chemistry: 66/100 - 8/21
Physics: 76/100 - 6/24
School rank - 154-155
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