dolbinau said:
According to+
You're looking at 30K for training plus 7K CSP contribution fees. And then, yes, you need to build hours. Good Luck

I personally don't see why you all want to go to a Uni to do this. And, realistically, where are you all going to get the $$$ from?
that figure is per take note of that
and you cant just do your degree at unsw..the degree
comes with the cpl..
"But i have a question, what happens if i do the cathay pacific cadets, will i still go to uni and get paid for it? or do i do the theory and practical at a flying school?"
you cant do cathay's cadet course as you do not have a hk id card..( might)
the only cathay cadet course you can do is the instructor course which is done in conjunction
with fta which requires you to pay a small contribution which wll see yor way throgh the cpl and
instructor..but u have to do at least 3 years of instructing before you get sent to live in hk as a
so..which quite frankly is crap..
and u dont get paid for cathay's cadet course..nor any cadet course..
"Go to uni and do something else. I think you really need to do your research before deciding to become a pilot, you DO NOT just walk into an airline and get a job it is massively competitive even though this is the best time to enter the industry. "
and you should also do your research as now is not the best time to enter the industry..
rising fuel prices > 1500 staff cut > letters of dis-intent being sent out ( and pilots are not excluded..only fa's are)
the years before were the best time to enter because of the shortage of experienced pilots to take up
crappy pay with airlines..but the fuel prices have changed that