I'm doing a degree (BBA+BA-Psych) which shares quite a few of the HR-related subjects with the BHRM people. all in all they seem to enjoy it, but as MsErica says, seem to be excited to get out into (or back to) the real world. Seems like a good 3 year degree, all up.
Entry to BRHM used to have an interview component; Memory tells me they've changed that, but someone else could confirm this.
As far as 'degrees' go, it seems fairly specific, and I assume it's recognised (though, a quick search on the
AHRI accreditation lists doesn't turn up MQ's BHRM). That said, maybe accreditation isn't that important in the HR area... I'm not the one to talk to re that (...but Erica might be?). I imagine you'd get similar education to what I'm getting (as I've chosen the HR modules in my course), but in 3 years instead of 4.
Regarding Coursework; Peter... ugh. What's his name? Murray! designed the degree, and also runs many of the units. He's a little... wafty and content-less for my likings, but everyone has their own style. BHRM students also have to do psych units, as you noted; from the HRM students I've talked to (which is definetly not all of them, so don't take this as a generalisation) they seem find them hard, at least in part because you're "competing", if you will, with psych students who understand the concepts and whole psych-academic 'world' that much better because they've done more study in the area (This isn't to say YOU'LL have difficulties, of course. There're a lot of sources of help, too, including us oldies here at BoS... so stick around

...hope some of that was actually useful!