from what i've heard its good. i didnt like it just because i didnt have CLEAR direction of what i had to learn (im a little lazy when it comes to finding out what i have to complete on my own), it didnt really explore things that i was interested in (thus why i have transfered to cultural and social analysis, which is a branch of sociology) and my tutor was a little hard to understand since she was american. but the guy i had before her was good. the head of psych is really good. in her lectures she explains everything. ive talked to 3rd year psych students and post-grad students and they said its been very well structured.
in B arts its just a set course. in the first year you do 2 Arts units, one major unit and an elective (thats only if you are not doing pathways to teaching) per semester. arts units are just units from every school in the uni. for example i did Australia and the World (from history and politics) and Analytical Reading and Writing (from linguistics/english texts and writing) for my first two arts units. arts is just a taste of all the types of fields you can learn. in second year you only do 1 art unit a semester, which leaves you to choose whatever 3 units you desire to do (making sure they include you major units). does that make sense?
Oh, were the units boring you?

I'm glad to hear the head of psychology at UWS Bankstown Campus is 'really good'

SWEET. I put it back up to number 2.

I hope I can get in, if I don't make my first preference.

How many people go to the Bankstown Campus, is it big? What is there to do there during your breaks?
Yeah, that makes sense. I was at the UWS info day. lol.
Anyway, mr final preferences are as follows:
1. B Commerce @ MQ
2. B Psychology @ UWS
3. B Arts/ B Science @ UNSW
4. B Arts/Science @ MQ
5. B Arts @ MQ
6. B Arts/ Business and Commerce @ UWS
What do you think of it?