trace7988 said:
Hey Bob is kellyville too far?
Im doing general maths & standard english and need a tutor for each.
if its too far do u meet at libraries or something like tht?
Hi Trace
I thought i'd type up a reply here so that everyone can read my update
Kellyville is definitely much too far for me.
At the moment I am juggling 3 concurrent jobs (that's right, i'm in your labour force taking your occupations lazy hsc graduates) and 15 students.
I have been booked fully for the next 10 weeks for monday, tuesday, wednesday and friday afternoons. I may only consider taking further students on weekdays (thursday is to be tentatively filled by a new student soon) if they happen to have a string of free periods in the morning so we could organise something before 2pm.
Otherwise the only free time I have now are weekends. This would be at either Parramatta Library or Strathfield as I work there. But i won't be able to do Strathfield until they schedule my work roster in a few weeks time.
If others are still interested, they may post in this thread or PM me as I am starting to draw up waiting lists now. Otherwise if the worst comes to the worst, I may have to start increasing prices soon (although I really don't wish to do this as english in particular is my passion) but present students should be able to stay on my current affordable rates.
1) PM me to grab the final vacancies on the weekends
2) PM me to become the first person on my waiting list
3) PM me for hawt se .. english, geography, modern history, history extension and maths tutoring
Thanks all.
Hit me back just to chat,
Truly yours, your biggest fan
This is stan