Some of my favourite comedies have been surprisingly unmentioned;
The Office (This just finished..Hillarious throughout its entire brief run.
If you have lost both legs and both arms just go 'at least I'm not dead'. Though I'd rather be dead in that situation to be honest- I'm not saying people like that should be put down. I'm saying that in my life I'd rather not live without arms and legs 'cos you know... I'm just getting into yoga." )
The Micallef Program/Programme/Pogram, along with the sadly missed Micallef Tonight.
Frontline. (Examinable text or not, this is such a funny show. One of the few incisive, clever satires that Australia has produced. Best of all, due to its subject matter, is it highly unlikely that the humour will become dated.
But I'm the host here. If anything, you should be joining me!)
Blackadder (Feel the wit..
I have a plan so cunning that you could put a tail on it and call it a weasel. Also remained fresh due to the device of a different epoch each season.)
Along with other programs such as The Simpsons (At least up to Season 9), Seinfeld and so-on..
Hard to give a worst 'Comedy'. There are so many horribly unfunny programs.