I'm currently looking for an English tuition. I currently go to NGO but it's not good (please don't question why). I want tuition recommendations (NOT PRIVATE) but not Matrix (it's not good <--- I went in the past). I want a place that focuses on analysing texts and essay writing but I want it to cover creative story writing as well (basically a place that teaches everything). I want it to teach advanced year 9 english/year 10 and I hope it's a good english advanced tuition in year 11 and 12. So far I have researched and decided Talent 100, Dux and Dr.Du seem alright. Are there any other tuitions?
P.S. I'm currently in a top 20 public high school and I want a lot of top selective kids there (don't question why).
P.S. I'm currently in a top 20 public high school and I want a lot of top selective kids there (don't question why).