Chem Teacher: (to kid) Hurry up and do your work!
Kid: I'm done!
Teacher: Jeez, if he's done, everyone should be done, so lets go through the answers!

Same teacher, while making esters recently:
Teacher: Ok, i think we did well with all the esters, and i'm glad they're all different because we can compare them.. except for *kid*'s group, who thought it would be smart to just heat ethanol for 20 minutes *:mad1: face but smiling*
*class laughs*
haha she's awesome
Last year's bio teacher
*doing experiment with m&m's*
*most of class eating them all*
Teacher: *lamely* don't eat them.. i dropped them on the floor in my bathroom
*Me and my friend burst into laughter and think why would he have them in his bathroom open?* lol
Year 9/10, Maths:
me and my 2 friends were sitting in a row of 3 and one drew smiley faces on a scrap bit of paper and gave it to her [like =)] and she went "how the hell am i meant to know what c equals?!" We didn't let her live it down for ages, coz she's really smart but she made that blonde mistake
You kinda had to be there for all of them but they are gold <3.